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"𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐌 𝐈 𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 to get a horse of my own?" my sister asks, already to tired to ride with Sandor than I was of walking.

"The little lady wants a pony" Sandor states

"The little lady wants away from your stench"

"Pity, your sister quite enjoys riding with me and on me." Arya scoffs at his comment "Horses aren't easy to come by" he continues, getting serious "Evem if they were, you think I'm going to put you on your own horse? To watch the only think I could get some pennies for ride away?"

"Why don't you have any money? Didn't you steal anything from Joffrey before you left?"

"No" Well, we didn't stole from Joffrey we stole from Sansa, but I believe he just wanted to annoy her a bit.

"You're not very smart, are you?"

"I'm not a thief" Hmph, liar. He told me that he'll steal me one day and marry me.

"You're fine with murdering little boys, but thieving is beneath you?" Oh, I thought she was over it

"A man's got to have a code"

"You think I'm going to escape? Where would I go? I'd be dead by nightfall without you. My family's gone. I've got no one."

"You've got an aunt in the Vale. Your rich aunt Lysa. After I sell you to her maybe she'll have enough left to buy you that pony you want so much" he tells her, before continuing to ride in silence

Later that day, we stumble upon an Inn and Arya runs towards it, hiding in some bushes near the building, waiting for us.

"I'm hungry. You're hungry. Danya's hungry" my sister insisted

"Five horses, five men. More than I feel like killing on an empty stomach" Sandor confesses

Two of them get out, most likely to take a piss.

"I know him" Arya points out "The small one. His name is Polliver. He captured us and took us to Harrenhal

"He killed Lommy."

"What the fuck's a lommy?"

"He was my friend. Polliver stole my sword and put in right through his neck. He's still got it."

"Got what?"

"My sword. Needle"

"Needle? Of course you named your sword."

"Lots of people name their swords"

"Lots of cunts"

Sandor didn't get to finish his insult as Arya already disappeared "What are you-Get bacl here!" he orders

"My brother gave me that sword"

Sandor runs to Arya and I run after him "Get back here!"

"He killed my friend"

"I don't care if he ate your friend. We're noy going in there" He grabs her.

Selfish // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now