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𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘, bags were thrown over our faces again and the Brotherhood dragged us into some cave they called "home".

"What is this place?" Gendry asks just when they took my bag off.

"Somewhere neither wolves, nor lions come prowling"

"You look like a bunch of swineherds" comes Sandor's insult

"Some of us were swineherds" Anguy tells him "And some of us tanners and masons. That was before"

"You're still swineherds. And tanners and masons. You think carrying a crooked spear makes you a soldier?" The Hound argued

"No" another man appears "Fighting in a war makes you a soldier"

"Beric Dondarrion?" Wasn't this guy like...dead?

"You've seen better days"

"And I won't see them again" Beric takes one step forward, giving me a glimpse of his eye patch.

"Stark deserters. Baratheon deserters. You lot aren't fighting in a war, you're running from it" he sneers

"Last I heard, you were King Joffrey's guard dog" Dondarrion answers, his tone still neutral "But here you are a thousand miles from home" No, that wasn't a home, it was a prison for both of us and don't get me started on sweet Sansa. "Which of us is running?" All of us, because is the only thing we can do to stay alive now

"Untie these ropes and we'll find out" Sandor challenged "What are you doing leading a mob of peasants?"

"Ned Stark ordered me to execute your brother" The man declares "in King Robert's name"

"Ned Stark is dead" the words cut trough me like a knife, but it's the truth and I need to accept it "King Robert is dead. My brother's alive" he spit at his brother being mentioned "You're fighting for ghosts"

"That's what we are-ghosts, waiting for you in the dark. You can't see us, but we see you. No matter whose cloak you wear-Lannister, Stark, Baratheon. You prey on the weak the Brotherhood without Banners will hunt you down"

"You found god? Is that it?"

"Aye, I've been reborn in the light of the one true god. As have we all. As would any man who's seen the things we've seen"

"If you mean to murder me, then bloody well get on with it" They won't, I will not allow it. They can't.

"You'll die soon enough, dog. But it won't be murder, only justice" No...They can't. They can't.

"And a kinder fate then you deserve" Anguy comments "Lions you call yourselves. At the Mummer's Ford, girls of seven years were raped and babes still on the breast were cut in two while their mothers watched"

"I wasn't at the Mummer's Ford. Dump your dead children at some other door" Sandor snarled

"House Clegane was built upon dead children" the man claimed "I saw them lay Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys before the Iron Throne"

"Do you take me for my brother? Is being born Clegane a crime?" he shouted for all the Brotherhood

"Murder is a crime" Anguy implied

"I never touched the Targaryen babes. I never saw them, never smelled them, never heard them bawling" my lover swore "You want to cut my throat, get on with it. But don't call me murderer and pretend that you're not"

"You murdered Mycah" Arya declared

"Not the bloody butcher's boy again" I whisper to myself, making Gendry, who heard me to turn his gaze towards me for a moment

"The butcher's boy. My friend. He was twelve years old. He was unarmed. And you rode him down" Because it was either him or the boy, I almost bark back at my sister

"You slung him over your horse" Stranger is innocent, leave the poor horse out of it "like he was some deer"

"Aye, he was a bleeder" Sandor agrees

"You don't deny killing this boy?" Beric asks. I knew Sandor is a lot of bad things, but a liar certainly not. "I was Joffrey's sworn shield. The boy attacked the prince"

"That's a lie" my sister yells "I hit Joffrey. Mycah just ran away"

"Then I should have killed you. Not my place to question princes"

"You stand accused of murder, but no one here knows the truth of the charge. So it is not for us to judge you. Only the Lord of Light may do that now. I sentence you to a trial by combat" I sigh in relief, realising we will get out of here unharmed if the price to do it is murder.

"So, who will it be? Should we find out if your fire god really loves you, priest? Or you, archer? What are you worth with a sword in your hand? Or is the little girl the bravest one here?"

"Aye. She might be. But it's me you'll fight"

"Lord, cast your light upon us" Thoros starts and the rest of the Brotherhood starts chanting "Lord of Light, defend us"

"Show us the truth. Strike this man down if he is guilty, Give strength to his sword if he is true. Lord of Light, give us wisdom. For the night is dark and full of terrors." Then, Beric cut his hand and his sword lit on fire. Sandor takes a step back.

I get my hands into fists, my nails wounding the flash which starts to redden under the sound of clashing swords. I fear for Sandor and I think so does he, even if he tries to hide it, but I saw the look in his eyes during the Blackwater, which matches his current one.

He destroys Beric's shield and steps back. I flich, as the man got Sandor on his back only capable to defend himself with his shield, only for it to quickly be set on fire by Beric's sword. Sandor fights with his lit shield and men start shouting he's guilty. I watch him struggle with the burning wood and not long after his sword makes contact with Beric's shoulder.

Thoros throws himself over Beric at the same moment I walk towards Sandor, who shows me his burnt forearm. I look around for some cold water, but I see none. Not being able to help his with the pain, I place my hand under the would, careful not to touch it, feeling the man leaning on me.

Just then Arya jumps from her place, stealing a dagger and running in our way. "Arya, don't!" Gendry catches her before harming my beloved

"No! Let go of me! Let me go!" She shouts

"Looks like their god likes me more than your butcher's boy" Sandor tells her, at which Arya yells at him to "Burn in hell"

"He will" Beric's calm voice makes us all pause. This cunt's still alive? "But not today"

"Go in peace, Sandor Clegane" says Beric, adding an "and Danya Stark" after seeing me glare at him, probably knowing I'll run away if he doesn't let me go with Sandor.

"Seems you won't be selling this one, Dondarrion" My lover growled at the man, grabbing by wrist.


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