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𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐑 𝐀𝐃𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 he couldn't get a ounce of sleep last night or the previous nights because of the stress of my answer to his question.

And tonight it seemed like Arya wanted to give him trouble getting asleep too.

"Joffrey. Cersei. Walder Frey. Meryn Trant. Tywin Lannister. The Red Woman. Beric Dondarrion. Thoros of Myr. Ilyn Payne. The Mountain." she recites her little list

"Would you shut up?" Sandor snaps at the mention of his brother

"I can't sleep until I say the names" my sister explains

"The names of every fucking person of Westeros?" he asks

"Only the ones I'm going to kill" she clarifies

"Ha. Hate's a good thing as any to keep a person going. Better than most" The Hound states "We came across my brother, maybe we can both cross a name off our list"

"If you two won't shut up, I'll cross both of you off my list while you're sleeping" I argue

My comment is ignored "If he were here right now, what would you do?"

"I'd tell him to shut the fuck up so your sister and I can get some sleep" Sandor agrees it's actually the time to quit their small chat.

"Go on, get it over with, your list of doomed men" he remembered that she won't sleep until she says all the names.

"I'm almost done. Only one name left"

"Go on" he urges her

"The Hound"


𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄 of the end of Arya's silly list, but it looked like it really bothered Sandor and why wouldn't it? Sometimes, he actually tried to help her and give her advice and in return she only made things worse.

She woke before us and gave both of us a scare, thinking she left. At some point, Sandor found her not far away, swinging Needle.

"The hell you doing?" he shouts at her

"Practicing" she answers, not really giving a shit about the man behind her, who mentally curses the living shit out of her

"What? Ways to die?"

"No one's going to kill me"

"They will if you nance around like that. That's no way to fight" Sandor compares her gentle moves with his brutal ones

"It's not fighting. It's water dancing" my sister explains to him

"Dancing?" He sneers "Maybe you ought to put on a dress. Who taught you that shite?"

"The greatest swordsman who ever lived. Syrio Forel, the First Sword to the Sealord of Braavos" Ah, yes, the Braavosi fanatic father hired

"Braavos." he scoffs "Greasy-haired little bastard, I bet. They all are"

"What do you know about anything?" Arya snaps at him

"I bet his hair is greasier than Joffrey's cunt" he states

"It was not!"

"Was? He dead?"



"He was killed"

"Who by?"

"Meryn Trant. That's why Ser Meryn-"

"Meryn Trant?" a smile is almost on his face "The greatest swordsman who ever lived killed by Meryn fucking Trant?"

"He was outnumbered" she barks back at him

"Any boy whore with a sword could beat three Meryn Trants"

"Syrio didn't have a sword. Or armor. Just a stick"

"The greatest swordsman who ever lived didn't have a sword?" he laughs "All right. You have a sword. Let's see what he taught you. Go on, do it for your Braavosi friend. Dead like all the rest of your friends"

At the mocking, Arya lungs at Sandor, trying to pierce his armor with her little blade, in return getting a hard slap, which got her on the ground.

"At least she's a child, but I'm starting to think she's not the only one who acts like one" I look at Sandor in disappointment, before turning around and walking towards the nearby course of water tearing my clothes off, ready for a bath, hopping it'll make me clear my head.


𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐄 several hours later in the forest we camped next to. Last night we decided we'll linger a bit here, so I got today to spend alone. I understood that Arya is difficult and Sandor's not the best socializer, however having both of them at each others throats was overwhelming. Most of the time I succeeded to ignore them and let some comments slide and sometimes I find myself trading insults with them.

"You should return to the camp" he sighs, sitting next to me on the cold ground "I made a fire, it's getting colder and you bathed. I don't want you sick" he continued at my lack of response

His hand wrapped around me, as we lead on each other. "She's exasperating." he states, knowing the reason of my sulking. "I'm behaving like a small child aren't I?" I whisper

Sandor shook his head "No, it's my fault. I should've realised I'm acting worse than her. You were right, I really was acting like a child"

"I am to blame too, I was supposed to make you two stop-" My tone comes out as harsher

My lover suddenly pulls away "Well you should've brushed your damn ego away-" his voice was also louder

The look in both of our eyes clearly showed the fact we did not want to fight. Sandor's figures softened. "Look at us" he let out a small chuckle "complaining about our childish behaviors and still doing it"

I stare down, nodding. "We're hilarious" I agree

"I'll try not to hit your sister again" he promises "even if she's an insufferable little bitch" I smile, grateful.


Selfish // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now