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"𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎" Lord Glover declared

"Lord Glover, if you could just hear us out" Jon pleaded

"I've heard enough" the lord snapped "We've only just taken back this castle from the Ironborn. The Boltons helped us do it. Noe you want me to fight against them? I could be skin for even talking to you" The only thing I wanted to do right now was to scoop out his eyes with my nails. Maybe I would've done it if Bran wasn't in my arms, starting again around to the sudden change of place. I believe the poor boy was traumatised of all the strange, cold places and rude, snapping voices he kept noticing. The sadness of watching my son filled me completly, but we had to do this. We had to show the power of House Stark and if by that meant protecting my son I'll do it. The North isn't safe anymore neither South, nor beyond the Wall of ice and what wouldn't a mother do for child...

"The Boltons are traitors. Roose Bolton" Jon started, but everyone seemed like he only spoke to be interrupted

"Have other northern houses pledged to fight for you?" The head of house Glover asked

"House Mormont"


"We sent ravens to houses Manderly-"

"I don't care about ravens. You're asking me to join your army. Who is fighting in this army?" he demanded to know

"The bulk of the force is made up of Wildlings" Jon finally informed the man the not too pleasing information for him

Lord Glover laughs "Then the rumours are true. I didn't dare to believe them. I received you out of respect for your father. Now I would like you to leave. Hose Glover will not abandon its ancestral home to fight alongside Wildlings" he announced before starting to walk away

"Lord Glover" Jon called for him, still hopping

"There's nothing else to say"

"I would remind you that House Glover is pledged to House Stark" Sansa begins "Sworn to answer when called upon"

He turns around "Yes, my family served House Stark for centuries. We wept when we heard of your father's death. When my brother was the lord of this castle he answered Robb's call and hailed him King in the North. And where was King Robb when the Ironborn attacked this castle?" He questioned Sansa" When they threw my wife and children in prison and brutalised and killed our subjects? Taking up with a foreign whore. Getting himself and those who followed him killed" Lord Glover hisses

"I served House Stark, once, but House Stark is dead"


"𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 on his way to Winterfell" Ser Davos stated, as we entered our camp, riding.

"And that's a good thing?" Sansa asked

"He was the most experienced commander in Westeros" the Ser claimed "He chose this place for a reason. Those mountains are a natural fortification, there's a stream down there for the horses"

"We're not staying here long. Another storm could hit any day" Jon explained

"Aye, the snoe defeated Stannis as much as the Boltons did" Davos agreed

"We have to march on Winterfell now while we still can" We all get off our horses

"2,000 Wildlings, 200 Hornwoods, 143 Mazins" He begins counting our allies

"62 Mormonts" Sansa adds

"It's not what we hopped for, but we still have a chance if we're careful and smart" Davos tries to think on the bright side

"For fuck's sake" He curses and runs behind to stop two men from fighting

"So he's your most trusted advisor now?" Sansa questions after Davos is out of view "Because he secured 62 men from a 10-year-old?"

"Ser Davos is the reason why I'm standing here talking to you and he served Stannis for years"

"Stannis, who lost the Blackwater, who murdered his own brother, who doesn't have a head?" she points out "It's not enough, we need more men"

"There's no time"

"If we went down to Castle Cerwyn, I know that Lord-"

"We fight with the army we have" Then Jon left to quiet the fighting men


"𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋" Sansa said for the hundredth time I think, while holdling Bran in his arms. Today was hard for all of us, mostly for the five-months-old babe we've been carrying around with us. I was lucky that he haven't good a fever and seemed to enjoy spending time outside and riding Stranger, who was more than happy to travel again, and not to wait and get fatter and fatter in the stables of Castle Black.

"May I enter?" Jon's voice booms from outside the tent

"Come" I welcome him in our warm tent

"Mind if we talk, outside?" He asks, not wanting to disturb the finally asleep boy laying in Sansa's bed

"Of course" I nod, heading out with him

"I want you and Bran back to Castle Black before we have to face Ramsey" He confesses

I did not know what to say. A part of me wanted to stay, to be there with both of my siblings, but the other remined me that I am Danya Stark and I will do anything to protect me and my son. If it goes wrong, we'll be the last of the Starks. Sandor would've also wanted for us to be safe.

"We will depart tomorrow" I decide

"There will be one of Stannis' smaller ships waiting for you if you'll receive news of our failure, Ser Davos made sure of it" I nod at the information, feeling tears starting to form themselves in the corners of my eyes.

We embrace before going back to sleep, shortening the time of my departure.


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