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𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 on a pretty big rock, I hear my sister asking Sandor -who was currently pissing with his back on us- where are we.

"It's gonna rain soon" Arya observes, looking up at the dark sky "Where are we?" she continues questioning

"Near Fairmarket, I think" he answers the little lady, finishing his business

"You think? You don't have a map?"

"No, I don't have a map"

"Maybe we should get one"

"Just point out the next map shop you see and I'll buy you one" he snaps

"How far is the Eyrie?"


"And you're sure we're going the right way?"

"Believe me, girl, I want you there I soon as I can" he bends down, giving a bucket of water to Stranger "Get my gold, be on our way"

Arya pauses for a second "On 'our' way?"

Sandor snorts "You think your sister will remain with you and aunt Lysa? No she's coming with me"

"On your way where?" she asks, staring at me wide-eyed

"Why do you care?" Sandor hisses "Might book a passage across the Narrow Sea. Fight as a sellsword. Second Sons, could be. Seems like a good fit for me" He finally told her

"I'd like to see Braavos one day" my sister admitted

"Why Braavos?"

"I have friends there" Sandor laughs softly at Aryas claim "I doubt it"

"Seven blessings to you" A man voice gets me to rise my head from the ground

"What do you want?"

"What do I want? This is my land" the man explains

"If I'm standing on it, it's my land" My lover declared

"We were just watering the horses. We'll be on our way" Arya promises the man "Forgive my father" she apologises "He was wounded fighting in the war. Our cottage burned down while he was gone and my little brother with it, my mother and I barely got out alive" the lie comes out smoothly "He's never been the same" I try to sketch my most sorrowful face when the man, buying the lies gazes towards me and Sandor

"What house did he fight for?"

"The Tullys of Riverrun" my sister guessed the right house and the man invites us in his home

"We don't have much, but any man who bled for House Tully is welcome to it" he offered Sandor


"𝐖𝐄 𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 to judge us with mercy, accepting our human frailty" our host preyed

We somehow found ourselves with our hands' fingers linked, waiting for the farmer to finish his dinner prayers.

"We ask the Mother to bless our crops, so we may feed ourselves and all who come to our door. We ask the Worrior to give us courage in these days of strife and turmoil"

At some point Arya got extremely bored and started playing with her fingers and Sandor stared at the man, displeased. I seemed like the only one who took his praying seriously.

"We ask the Maiden to protect Sally's virtue and keep her from the clutches of depravity"

"You got to do all the seven fuckers?" Sandor mutters

I give him a cold stare from the corner of my eye, then give the other man a quiet apology "Father!" Arya scolds him

"We ask the Smith to strengthen our hands and our backs so we may finish the work required of us. The ask the Crone to guide us on our journey from darkness to darkness"

Sandor glances the pot full of stew made by Sally and closes his eyes in the same manner as the farmer "And we ask the Stranger not to kill us in our beds tonight for no damn reason" The owner of the house stares at us offended, as Sandor and Arya dig into the stew and I whisper another apology, which is ignored by the man.

I remember my manners, trying to eat like a normal person with the spoon they offered me and not like the savages I sit next to.

Sally and her father glare at all three of us.
"Really good" Arya praises the daughter's cooking

"Did you fight at the Twins?" the farmer asks

"Call that a fight?" my lover tries to avoid the question "Slaughtering livestock more like"

"The Red Wedding they're calling it" he informs us "Walder Frey committed sacrilege that day. He shared bread and salt with the Starks. He offered them guest right"

"Guest right don't mean much anymore" Sandor argues

"It means something to me. The Gods will have their vengeance. Frey will burn in the seventh hell for what he did. Things were different when Hoster Tully ruled the Riverlands." he explained "We had good years and bad years, same as anyone, but we were safe. Now with the Freys, raiders come plundering, steal our food, steal our silver"

Sandor eats unbothered by the man's problems "I was going to send Sally North to stay with my brother, but the North's no better. The whole country's gone sour"

"You got any ale?" Sandor questions, without any shame

"Afraid not"

"How can a man not keep ale in his home?"

"You look like you could really swing that sword" the farmer changes the subject "A real worrior with proper training. Raiders wouldn't stand a chance against you. How would it be if you stayed on till the new moon?" We could not possibly linger that much, Arya needs to be with aunt Lysa and I with Sandor on a ship to Essos by that time, Sandor knows it.

"I could use a man to help with the farmwork. Sally does what she can, but she can't lift a bale of hay. And if any thieves came looking for some easy picklings, one look at you, I'd bet they'd run the other way" Sandor looks up, bothered by the man's reasonings "Meaning no offense"

"What'll you pay?" What does this man want to do? Because I'm more than sure that he won't stay here until the new moon.

"I don't have much, but I have hidden a bit of silver from the bandits. Fair wages for fair work?"

"Fair wages for fair work" Sandor agrees


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