Chapter 3: A secondary meeting

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Ever since Mangle had met the mystery man, she thought about him constantly.

"So what was he like?" Carol asked, questioning Mangle while she fixed her fluffy pink curls in her mirror.

"Well you saw, ma." Mangle said back, plugging in her curling iron. Carol crawled around to the other side of Mangle.

"No, I mean personality. His personality, sweetheart. I wasn't there for that." Mangle raised an eyebrow, looking at her second head of a mother.

"Oh." Mangle said, starting to curl her hair. "Well... for starters, he's really nice- mysterious; *scoff* I-I don't really know much about him, a-and i'm sure he's a pretty nice guy. But enough about that. I'm gonna go catch the guard, okay ma?" Mangle looked at her mother, a tear slowly falling down her cheek. Carol looked at Mangle and kissed her on the cheek before Mangle taking her off and leaving her on the floor for Mangle to go into the vents and wander off somewhere.

Mangle crawled through the vents mercilessly, but also trying to be quiet at the same time. You see, Mangle was not treated with as much fairness as the other bots, Fred mostly excluding her from a lot of things and pushing her aside to the cove where she often rested. If Fred saw her out of the cove when she wasn't supposed to be, Fred would yell at her or worse tell Marionette and go down a darker path than she would have intended. Mangle sighed, thinking about that, and how it just brought her more sadness to her own pity party. Not that she'd throw one for herself mentally, though. That's what the petty girls did. And Mangle knew she wasn't one of them. Mangle knew that well. Mangle then crawled some distance until she thought she heard-

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Wha-" Mangle thought, silencing all of her robotic body movements and actions. "What was that-?"

Bang. Bang. Bang.

There it goes again. It was a banging noise that Mangle could describe any day, like someone or something heavy was crawling in the vents and coming right towards Mangle. At this point, Mangle was petrified of what might happen next, or who or what was coming towards her. She wanted to get out of there, and she could, but she was too afraid to do so. And so, Mangle sat there like one of Chi's uncooked frozen pizzas, scared like a baby deer caught in headlights.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang-

And there it was. It was right there. And it bumped right into Mangle.

"Ah-!" Mangle screamed; well, it was more like a squeak, followed by poor Mangle jumping back and hitting her head in the small airspace.

"Whoa thar lassie, are ye alright?" Chuckled a man with a thick pirate accent, Mangle darting her eyes open and slowly looking up only to see... him. It was him. The man. He was there, in all of his old masked glory, long shaggy red hair in all, grinning from ear to ear slapped on with dark circles under his eyes and a tired looking expression looking right at Mangle. She stared at him a bit, then spoke.

"I-it's you. The pirate." She whispered, not even caring in that moment if he heard her or not.

"Aye, yes. I be a pirate. Now come again lass, me memory be a bit fadin', like I 'ave seen yer face b'fore... wait a minute, that be it- yer that pretty pink mysterious lady ah met th' other night! Mangle, was it? Ey, that be it! Say, ah meant t' tell ye that I be 'very greatful fer what ye did t' other night... that takes ah 'ole lotta courage ye got." He chuckled again, tapping his hook on the bottom of the air vent, creating a banging noise that Made Mangle jump.

"S-shh! P-please be careful... just- don't make any noise, please... I'm not supposed to be out here" Mangle begged, trying to keep her voice down. Foxy raised one of his eyebrows and looked back at bit, his attention then coming back to Mangle again.

"Well I don't see anyone... so i'm sure yer safe-" Mangle interrupted the poor pirate.

"No, not really... I wish I was. I-I'm... I'm never safe... they've always got their eyes on me, everywhere I go. I can never escape. The only time I'm ever alone i-is in my cove-"

"Ye have a cove?!" Foxy asked shocked. Mangle stopped rambling and smiled a bit, nodding.

"Yeah, I do! It used to be all pirate themed, but now it's just... my own theme, ya know, mangled." She continued. "I'm now a... a... put together-and-take-apart thingy, heck, I don't even really know as the attraction myself. But, whatever." Mangle stuttered, not sure what she was even saying to him at this point. She looked up at Foxy, who had both his hand and hook over his mouth.

"That be awful." He whispered, taking his hand and hook off his mouth. "Pure awful. Ye be originatin' from t' same cove as me, and yer not bein' treated right? Just revoltin'." He announced, fixing his hook and sharpening it with his pointy teeth-

"Wait a second..." Mangle thought. "Pointy teeth, pirate, fox features-"

And that was when she realized, as she realized, the pit of her stomach dropped.

"Wait a second- y-you're Withered F-Foxy-!! Y-you're not supposed to be out of parts and service! How did you escape- ow!!" Mangle squealed, banging her head on the vent again and her big pink curls flying everywhere in the process.

"Well, if ye want t' long an' short o' it, me 'friends' an' I escaped t' dark prison ye call 'Parts n' Service'". Ah've 'eard 'em talk, 'dysfunctional monsters' we be, accordin' t' 'em." He growled, looking off to the side and baring his white and gold teeth out of frustration. Mangle looked at him and blushed a bit, feeling embarrassed. "What it something I said?" Mangle thought. She couldn't help but feel a little bad. She didn't think he was a 'dysfunctional monster', in fact, he was quite the polar opposite despite his withered and torn up appearance.

"I... I don't think you're a monster, nor dysfunctional- I bet those are all Fred's words I swear-" Mangle stopped talking as she heard Foxy lightly chuckling, trying to hold in some canned laughter. She looked at him, indecisive of whether to feel confused or relieved he wasn't mad.

"Why are you laughing-?" She asked, her voice almost as dead as a stuffed guard. Foxy stopped laughing and cracked a smile a bit.

"I know, I don't think that ye think I be thinkin' I be like that. Actually, I think very highly of ye as well as ye think o' me. Yer... yer wonderful." He whispered, his cheeks turning almost the same color as his hair while Mangle gave off almost the exact same look, only with awe gleaming across her face.

"Y-yeah..." She mumbled, her mind still at shock about what he said.

"Heh, yeah. Foxy replied, scratching the back of his head while he waited for the awkwardness to kick in. And it did alright. It sunk it hard, well, that was until-

"Maaaaannnnnnnggggllllleeeeeee!!!!" Called an english-southern voice from outside the vent and one of the party rooms that Mangle was certainly familiar with.

"Oh boy, that's them alright. Well uh, I gotta go. Nice seeing you, Foxy." Mangle said, looking at Foxy and flashing him a small pearly white smile. Foxy looked behind himself, then back at Mangle.

"Uh... yeah. I guess i'll see ye 'round then." Foxy chuckled a bit, looking in Mangle's direction as well and pushing some of his red locks out of the way. "Ey and uh, if ye be not busy why don't ye uh, 'swing' by Parts n' Service while yer at it. Come an' visit ol' Foxy. I like yer company."

Mangle giggled. "And I like yours too. Feel free to stop by my cove sometime too." Foxy laughed.

"Heh, ah will come into ye- er-!" Foxy quickly stopped himself and blushed madly, realizing what he had just said. "A-ah ah mean, come into ye cove- yer cove- ah... i'll shut up now-"

"I understand, that's alright. Well uh, see ya then. Bye..." Mangle stuttered, smiling as she left the vent she came from and going back in her sweet, cozy little cove, leaving Foxy there to lay there in amazement.

And right then, there was only one thing Foxy thought, right in that moment;

"Radical. Just, Radical."

Forever, 'till the end of time (A Foxy x Mangle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now