Chapter 6: Girl talk

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Mangle opened her eyes after a nice sleep and heard a bell ring on the clock.
"Oh Jesus.... Crap! It's 6 am! Gotta go!" She exclaimed. Mangle got up and ran over to a small treasure chest. She took out a key and opened it up. Inside was pink and red pirate clothing and boots for a female just her size.
"Perfect!" She said. Mangle changed into the outfit and stepped on the little stage in kid's cove. A wave of kids came rushing in the restaurant, all ages, through glowing doorways. Right before all the toddlers came rushing in, Mangle just remembered something very important. She got off the stage quickly and picked up a sign that read, "Please do not touch the attraction, Kiddies! Thank you!". Mangle placed the sign on the stage and a rush of kids ran in.
"Avast me mates! Are ye ready, kids?!" Mangle yelled in a pirate accent. All the kids took a puzzle in wonder for a second, as they were not used to this type of behavior coming from Mangle. She wasn't usually a pirate, but more so a take-apart-put-back-together attraction.
"Miss Mangle?" One little girl spoke up.
"Yes matey?" Mangle asked.
"Did you finally get fixed or something? Because this isn't the show we're used to..." The little girl trailed off.
"Well, we wanted a special, new, attraction fer t' young sea mates. Isn't t'at exciting?" Mangle smiled. All the kid's faces lighted up.
"Yeah!" Shouted one little boy.
"Alright. So are we set now?" All the kids nodded and smiled.
The kids played with Mangle all day, and even once took a trip to the arcade. When they were at the arcade, Mangle would get a bit competitive once and while and challenge kids to see if they could beat the great Mangle the pirate.
"Darn!" Said the little girl Mangle was challenging against. "I can't do it!" Mangle looked at the little ginger in surprise.
"And why not?" Mangle asked.
"Because you're so good! And you're always so confident and tough...." She mumbled. Mangle kneeled down to the little girl and pouted.
"Now is t'at any attitude fer a cute little seadog such as ye?" Mangle asked. The little girl shook her head no.
"Then there ye go. Ye be a pirate. And pirates are brave and tough, no matter what situation, at t' heart. Now do me a favor and stop breakin' R' rules. Gimmie a smile, or I'll have ye walkin' t' plank...." Mangle tapped her hook on the little girl's shoulder. The small pint sized ginger smiled.
"Thank you Mangle! I'll always be brave and never give up!" She waved at Mangle one more and ran off.

"Hey Bon! Watch me do this new dance move that is ALL the craze!" Chickadee shouted while on the stage. Bonbon looked up from his fashion magazine and looked at Chiki.
"What darling?" He asked. Chickadee turned around so Bonbon could get a nice, clear, look of her ass.
"Ooh...." Bonbon whispered. Chickadee started shaking her butt in those tight panties as Bonbon watched in amazement. Not only was Bonbon paying attention to Chickadee, but to what was in his pants. He stopped looking at her and looked down.
"Shit shit shit I'm getting hard... damn you, chickadee-" Bonbon's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Mangle's voice entering the room.
"Hi guys! What's going oooooonnnnnnn...." She slurred her words as Chickadee and Mangle shared an awkward silent glance.
"Uhm... Should I come back later or...?"
"No, no! I was just showing Bonbon a new dance move! That's all..." Chickadee explained.
"Well then... So uh.... What's new?" Mangle asked as she sat down. Chickadee and Bonbon sat across from Mangle.
"Not much. I'm still on the case that Fred is gay. I bet you he is a homosexual, but he doesn't know it. He just know he likes dudes." Chickadee explained. This was one of Mangle's favorite times of day. At night, Mangle, Bonbon, and Chickadee would all meet in one spot and just gossip non-stop. Mangle knew it wasn't right, but it was so intriguing.
"Really? How do you know?" Mangle asked in curiosity. Bonbon smirked.
"Uh duh. Everyone does. Just the way he dresses, the blush, it's just common signs, girl." Bonbon backlashed.
"Yeah and like you aren't." Chickadee said slyly.
"And what is THAT supposed to mean?"
"Um, it means your gay too. Look at the way you dress!"
"Yeah and let's say Mangle has a dick while we're at it, is that fine?!" Yelled Bonbon. Chickadee rolled her eyes and grumbled.
"Whatever. Oh and, speaking of people, have you heard that the withered models are becoming more active?" Bonbon dropped his jaw.
"They are? Woah..." He said with wonder.
"Y-yeah.... They're really nice...." Mangle said quietly. All of a sudden, Chickadee and Bonbon looked at Mangle.
"Uhm, what did you say?" Asked Chickadee.
"Oh... Uh, me? I just said they're really nice." Mangle repeated herself.
"Oh HELL NO she didn't!" Bonbon raised a finger in the air.
"What's wrong with that? I've already met three of them and they are very funny and nice!" Mangle expressed herself once more. Chickadee sat Mangle down and stared at her.
"Mangle. Do you know how dangerous being friends with a withered animatronic is? If Fred finds out, he'll take your skin and make it a rug. You need to be careful." Chickadee warned.
"Well of course! See, I've had this "friendship" with... Um... My older self." Mangle blushed lightly and bit her lip.
"So you're committing self-cest?" Bonbon asked.
"No stupid! She's probably just friends! Right, girl?" Chickadee asked.
"Yeah! We're best friends! We met three days ago, when I saved him from Fred..." Mangle trailed off.
"Ooh! Like Prince and Princess! Only the Princess saves the Prince, am I right?" Bonbon wiggled an eyebrow.
"Yeah! So now we go on pirate adventures and escape to the neverlands!" Chickadee and Bonbon giggled and smiled.
"Well congrats and we'll see you tomorrow morning, okay Mangle?" Chickadee asked.
"Oh heck yeah!" Mangle smiled. She walked away and waved goodbye.
"Bye guys! See ya tomorrow!"
"Bye Mangle! Tell that pirate boy I said hi!" Bonbon said.
"I will!" Mangle yelled. She got inside Kid's cove, only to see Foxy there, sitting in the stage.
"Foxy!" She exclaimed and hugged him. "What're you doing here?!"
"I dropped by to say hi. And Uh, to ask ye fer a favor. Okay?" Mangle smiled.
"Anything for you, Captain!" Foxy raised an eyebrow.
"Captain?" He asked.
"Hm, yes. Captain Foxy. That is your new nickname." Mangle smiled. Foxy smiled back.
"Spectacular. Now... About t'at favor..." He stroked his small beard.
"Yes, Captain?" Foxy thought a bit then got the idea in his head once again.
"Ah yes! I want ye t' come by parts and service tomorrow night. It be a surprise, okay?" He grinned.
"Of course!" Mangle exclaimed.
"Great. Tomorrow, lass?" He asked while heading out the door.
"Tomorrow, Captain." She saluted.

"Tomorrow." She whispered, repeating the worlds over again.

Forever, 'till the end of time (A Foxy x Mangle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now