Chapter 5: Fixing Mangle

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WARINING: There is some foul language in this chapter
Shame on you animatronics
Mangle opened her eyes and got up off the cold, hard, ground. She yawned and looked around.
"Wow." She looked at herself. "I am one hell of a mess...." She said. Mangle looked at herself and sighed a big sigh.
"Maybe I can do this. Maybe...." She thought out loud. Mangle stood herself up, gathered her wires, and huffed. She looked at he ground, and found her hand.
"My hand!" She exclaimed in excitement.
"Okay! I'm off to a good start!"

After a good hour and a half, Mangle stood up and looked in the mirror. She stared at herself for a minute, then got down and cried.
"Oh my gosh! I am such a monster!" She cried. She was going to cry even more, but then someone knocked on her door.
"*sniff* Come in..." She sighed. That someone opened the door. It was...


"C-Chica-" Before Mangle could say anything, Chica grabbed Mangle and put a bag over her head.
"MMMMPPHH!!" She begged for mercy one last time, then blacked out with no more air.

Mangle woke up on a table, with three people surrounding her.
"Wha... W-who are you...." She mumbled, her vision still blurry.
"Aw... She's so cute when she's knocked out like that." A female voice said.
"Really lass? Ye had t' bag 'er? God she's gonna hate me..." Replied a rough, pirate accent.
"Bonnie, no-facers obviously can't talk, so why bother." The pirate accent said with distinctive sly. Mangle opened her eyes. Around the table she was on was the blonde female with a stretched jaw she previously saw, the faceless man with purple hair, and Foxy.
"MMMMHHHMMM!!!" The faceless man angrily mumbled.
"Arrgh... Well I oughta-" Then Foxy noticed Mangle slightly open her eyes and gasped.
"Shush everyone! She be awake!" He put his hands on his hips and smiled.
"Aye! Good mornin',er, night, Sleepin' Beauty!" He smiled.
"Heh. What're ya gonna do now, Prince Charming? Fuck her so we can really make it sleeping beauty?" The female laughed. Foxy turned a bright shade of red and punched the female's arm.
"No, dipshit! Remember? T' plan?!" He said.
"Oh right. The plan." She sighed. Foxy looked at Mangle and smiled again.
"W-where am I..? Who are you people?" Mangle asked hesitantly.
"The backroom, silly lass! Remember?" Mangle looked around, then at Foxy.
"Oh yeah.... But who are those people...?" She asked.
"Oh! These jackasses? Well, this is Bonnie," He pointed to the faceless lavender haired male and he waved.
"And Uh, this is chicken shit- I mean.... Chica." Chica rolled her eyes and tried to cross her arms but couldn't because of the state she was in.
"Guys, t'is is Mangle." He put an arm around Mangle.
"Yeah. Foxy talks about ALL the time now." Mangle blushed slightly and chuckled.
"Alright Chica, I think t'at would be enough-"
"No really! You're like his new obsession! It's like you're his new treasure-" Foxy put a hand over Chica's mouth and gave her a death glare. He took his hand off her mouth and looked at Mangle.
"I bet yer wonderin' right about now what Yer doin' here.... And I don't blame ye. I mean, well, if I was bagged, kidnapped, and put in a new place, I'd have some coo-coo thoughts... But Uh... T'at be not t' point. Ye are here because after hearin' Yer sad story, I really wanted t' help ye. By fixin' ye. But I know t'at it is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE fer only ONE person t' fix ye in t'is condition so I brought me crew! We are goin' t' fix ye Mangle!" He exclaimed. Mangle couldn't believe her ears.
"But... That IS impossible... You cant..." Foxy looked at her in disbelief.
"Now who said t'at? T' staff? T' staff are lazy asshats. Ye should probably listen to some actual smart people for once." Chica snickered.
"Are you sure you're not talking about Bonnie or I? Because you aren't smart at all." Foxy scoffed and picked up a tool chest.
"Now because Mangle I don't really have an instruction book, yer gonna have t'... Well, guide us." Mangle nodded and told Foxy what tool to start with first.
"I would use the screw driver first. It can unscrew most of my tangled wires." Foxy nodded and asked Bonnie to get the screwdriver. Foxy took the screw driver and began working on Mangle.

After four hard working hours, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy, coated with sweat and oil, finally fixed Mangle. Bonnie had worked on her limbs and body, Chica worked on her "feminine parts", and Foxy worked on her memory data set.
"Alright, ready gang? Bonnie? Do ye want to do t' honors?" Foxy asked. Bonnie nodded silently and turned Mangle on. Mangle flickered her golden eyes open.
"*yawn*.... Wha...what time is it? H-how many hours was I out?! Why do I feel taller?" She questioned. Foxy smirked and turned the mirror to Mangle. Mangle gasped and cheered.
"Oh my god! You guys fixed me!" She cried. Unfortunately, when she when she went to hug the small gang, she kinda walked like Bambi, so she collapsed to the ground.
"Oh! Whoopsie! Lemmie help ye, lass!" Foxy said kindly. He helped Mangle up as she nodded shyly.
"Uh... Need help at all?" He asked.
"Oh no! I'm uh... Totally fine! But thank you for asking, though." She replied.
"Anytime, lass. Aaaaannnnyyytime." He said.
"Well, I'm off. See Ya, Foxy. Nice meeting you Bonnie, Chica." She smiled. Mangle waved as Foxy watched Mangle walk away, tripping her whole way to kid's cove between just having legs and being able to walk.
"*sigh* Ain't she kind? I don't care if she be toy or not, she is one of t' kindest and clumsiest animatronic people I have ever met." Foxy turned around and looked at Bonnie and Chica. They both had these suspicious looks, beside the fact Bonnie had not face.
"What." Foxy said with little deadpan.
"Oh nothing.... It's just you seem quite close to her..." She said as she giggled. Foxy frowned.
"Well yeah. She's just really funny, really." Chica frowned.
"Are you surrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee...? She asked with a huge smirk. Foxy blushes lightly and growled.
"We are just friends and t'at is final!!" He almost screamed at this point. Foxy stomped out of the room and slammed the door.
"Drama queen." Chica scoffed.

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