Chapter 17: 1987

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Fred's voice was heard on his red and tan striped microphone.
"Alright kids! What a great song we just sang, right Bonnie?" Fred asked Bonbon and turning his head towards him, looking at him with a pasted grin.
"Gee, that's surely sure Freddy! We sure know how to get down like the real Madonna, heh heh." He smiled. Fred chuckled and got back on his microphone.
"Alrighty kids, Bonnie Chica and I will be takin' a break for a while. But in the meantime, make sure you visit the Kid's cove, okay? Mangle the pirate is always welcome to ocean goers!" He shouted, then did his usual comical laugh. All the kids screamed and ran over to the cove. Boys and girls, ages varying from toddlers to teens, ran into the Kid's Cove excited as ever. The kids all sat down on the black and white tiled floor, ready for those light green curtains to open. All of a sudden, the curtains bursted open, Mangle standing there in her shiny pirate coat; with her red glossy lipstick and shiny pink hair, looking like a true Captain, feeling like it too. Mangle turned on and looked down at the kids, an enthusiastic smile spread across her face.
"Ahoy thar, young 'uns! It be me, Cap'n Roxy th' great and welcome to th' Kid's Cove! Are ye ready fer adventure?!" Mangle said enthusiastically as she bent down to the toddlers. One little boy, four years old at the most, got on his tippy toes and smiled right up at Mangle. A tooth missing, curly brown hair and dark green eyes on that being all centered around Mangle. No one else, just Mangle.
"Well... what do we got 'ere? What be yer name, lil' lad?" She asked in her fake pirate accent. The little boy grinned at Mangle, putting his hands behind his back.
"U-um... M-Maxy..." He smiled. Mangle smiled back as she ruffled his hair. The boy then suddenly stopped smiling as his eyes wandered somewhere on Mangle's facial and neck area. He was silent, then Mangle raised an eyebrow and spoke up.
"What is it, young lad?" She asked trying to keep her pirate voice and character, but still concentrating on what he was looking at to make sure he was alright. The little boy grinned and spoke up.
"Pretty!" He then suddenly grinned widely.

Mangle was confused at first, but then the little boy grabbed a clump of Mangle's hair and yanked at it hard. Mangle, (mind you, wearing heels) instantly fell forward, her fall missing the boy but still landing on the hard, shiny ground. The black and white tiles very slowly started to ooze a black substance over it which made every child and teen in that room scream with all of the air in their lungs. This rushed employees and the manager, into the room to quickly pick Mangle up and take her to Parts and Service, leaving the rest of he employees to calm down the children.
"Shit..." The manager whispered, walking out of the room. He walked out and into the party room, his eyes dashing around the room for a certain employee, one he could trust. Then it came to him.
"JEREMY!!" He shouted. This caught poor Jeremy's attention as he rushed to his boss and placed himself right in front of the manager.
"Y-yes sir?" He nervously asked.
"A minute in th' back, please?" The manager asked as he walked past all of the sugar and germ infested children and to Parts and Service with Jeremy following right behind his lead.
"Yes boss?" Jeremy asked. The manager stayed still in front of Jeremy, looking him dead in the eye. The manager, still looking at Jeremy, reached in his pocket and pulled out a cigar and lit it.
"Look. One of those lil' rugrats out there just did god-knows-what to the uh, Mangle there, during one uh' her performances and she really needs to be fixed. Like, right now." The manager looked over at the pale skinned animatronic with a deadpan, the black, lifeless Toy's eyes looked up at the ceiling into yonder. Jeremy also looked at the animatronic, almost examining it.
"Uhm... I don't think so... she looks too b-broken to be put back out..." Jeremy tried to explain without getting fired while playing around with the pieces left on Mangle.
The manager looked at Jeremy and blew a big puff of smoke from his cigar.
"Well then what do you suppose we do? God dammit, Jeremy. These robots cost money you know! $200 a piece, I tell ya! Lots! Now what are we gonna do?" Jeremy was silent for a moment.
Jeremy looked at the old, dusty, animatronics around the room. He put a finger to his lips and looked at the dusty, broken, Freddy Bonnie Chica and Foxy. But then, Jeremy stopped. He stared right the pirate fox. Then it happened.

"Well, I have an idea."

"Ready to go?" The manager asked. Jeremy nervously nodded and stood back, watching the manager take over the mic.
"Hey you pirate fans! Head on down the the Kid's cove because the show's about to start! To our unfortunate expenses, Miss Roxy had to take a nice break and she misses you all! But, we do have a new and special guest; everyone give a warm round of applause to Foxy the Pirate Fox!!" The manager chuckled. All the kids raised eyebrows and there were whispers heard throughout the crowd. He whispers and eyebrow raising came to a halt as the green curtain opened.

The children stopped. They looked at the tall, auburn-crimson haired man with the red captain's coat and creme-colored blouse. They stared. Foxy flickered open his eyes and looked around. A smile began to wrap around his face as he raised his hook.
"Yar me maties! It's me, Foxy! An welcome to th' Pirate's Cove! Set sail wit' Cap'n Foxy on a miraculous journey of a lifetime!!" Foxy yelled in great pride. Foxy looked at one of the kids and bend down.
"Ahoy thar, and what be yer name young lass?" He asked a small little girl with pink dress and ribbons to match in her hair. She smiled a bit in he sight of Foxy.
"O-oh! My name's Delilah C-Captain Foxy!! I wanna be part of your crew! Please please pleeeeaase?" She begged. Foxy gave off a toothy grin and shook her hand.
"Well then, welc'me aboard, Delilah! Any other takers?"
There was one hand.
Then two.
Then four.
Then ten.

And by that time, well, everyone had raised their hand! Everyone wanted to join Foxy's pirate crew. And well, the rest of the afternoon went great. Foxy and his "pirate crew" (under supervision of course) played games and told stories for the rest of the day. And boy, was it grand. They played 'Follow the Foxy' and 'Treasure hunt' (which was just hide and seek) and told pirate stories of 'The Great Foxy' and his adventures with the villainous landlubber, Captain Spike the imaginary 'bad guy' told in Foxy's stories.

But, there was one last game to play before the day ended.

"Alrighty kids! Who wants t' play a special game only played wit' some o' Foxy's best maties, eh?" He roared. All the children smiled and gathered around him. Foxy smirked and chuckled. "Alright... let's play a lil' game o' tag wit' Foxy, eh? Okay, ready? Okay, One, two, three... I'm gonna get ya!!" He yelled, chasing after the little ones. The children were fast, but Foxy was faster. Foxy ran like lightning after those kids, catching one by one and giving them a hug or a high-five for doing such a good job when they were caught. But, while Foxy was the time of his life, what he didn't know was that someone was watching this scenery.

Fred looked across the room at Foxy. The spotlight. Stole from him by a worthless, unforgiving, withered animatronic. Fred has always had a problem with Foxy as far the eye could see, so why should he have the spotlight and not Fred? Exactly. Fred looked down at his microphone, then back at Foxy. He looked over at the pre-occupied Bonbon and Chickadee then back at his microphone. Fred got an evil grin and put his hand right over the microphone, waiting for the right time. He smirked as he watched Foxy run around the tables with the little boy, his hand getting closer to the microphone.
"Wait for it..."
"Wait for it..."
"Almost there..."

All of a sudden, Fred slammed his hand on the mic, causing a loud sound wave to hit Foxy's ears like a truck. Foxy jumped, losing balance in the process and opening his jaw out of surprise and shock.

There were screams.

There was blood.

But there was no frontal lobe to be seen.

It was clamped in Foxy's mouth.

Forever, 'till the end of time (A Foxy x Mangle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now