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"I can't stand how this uniform fits me! All the other kids have their skirts much shorter, Mom!" I yell at my mother. I had just recovered from the flu and was getting ready to go back to school. The thought of returning didn't sit well with me, especially since there was only one more month left before the holidays.

Attending a private boarding school had its advantages, but it also came with its drawbacks. One of them was that the school confiscated our phones as soon as we arrived. It felt suffocating like our social lives had been taken away from us.

But this time, I had a plan. Everyone else seemed to have a secret phone hidden somewhere, and they would indulge in social media whenever they pleased. The rest of us only had access to our phones on weekends. However, while I had been home recovering, I managed to gather some money from my parents' dresser. I discreetly gave it to one of the helpers, along with an extra five hundred dollars as a thank you. I instructed him to buy me an iPhone and promised to keep it a secret. I carefully set it up and discreetly hid it in my bra, making sure neither my parents nor the school principal would find out.

"Don't worry, Mia. The uniform looks great on you," my mother says, trying to reassure me. "It's not about fitting in with everyone else. You look decent and respectable. Your legs shouldn't be on display for everyone to see."

"Now I look like a nun Mum! I swear, I hate you!" I say as I proceed to zip up the skirt. I couldn't believe that she was making me wear this ugly skirt that didn't fit my body properly.

"Finish up, the driver is waiting for you. I thought I would have time to take you back to school but your father needs me to go with him to San Francisco for an important meeting and I have to get ready. Everything else has been put in the car so just hurry up. I love you okay?" She says as she throws the shorter skirt on my bed and leaves.

After saying goodbye to my mother and a few of the staff I came across in the hallway I hurried to the car.

"Great," I mutter under my breath, trying to hide my disappointment. Antonio was waiting by the driver's seat, a smug smirk on his face. He knew he had the upper hand now that Diego, my favorite driver wasn't here. I reluctantly got into the backseat, annoyed that I couldn't escape this dreaded skirt.

As the car started moving, I glanced out the window, watching the passing scenery with a heavy sigh. I couldn't shake off the frustration that this day was already going downhill. My mind raced with thoughts of how I could get away with changing into the shorter skirt without Antonio noticing.

I discreetly checked my bag, making sure the shorter skirt was still safely hidden inside. My heart skipped a beat when I realized it wasn't there. Panic flooded through me as I frantically searched every corner of my bag, hoping I had somehow missed it. But it was nowhere to be found.

"Damn it," I mutter, realizing that I must have dropped it somewhere between my room and the car. Antonio shot a curious glance at me through the rearview mirror, sensing my distress.

"What's wrong, Miss Mia?" he asks, his tone laced with a hint of satisfaction. His eagerness to report on me was palpable. I thought for a moment, trying to come up with an excuse that would divert his attention.

"Oh, I think I left my book upstairs. Can we turn around quickly so I can grab it?" I lie with a forced smile. Antonio sighs and reluctantly pulls the car over.

"Make it quick," he warns. I nod and practically sprint back into the house, my mind racing as I try to come up with another plan.

In my bedroom, I quickly searched for the shorter skirt, realizing it was still on my bed in my rush to leave. I still couldn't wear it in the house. Then, an idea went off in my head. I opened my closet, scanning through the hangers until I found a long coat. It wasn't ideal, but it would have to do. I hastily put it on my uniform, making sure it concealed my ugly clothes.

With a newfound determination, I hurried back to the car where an impatient Antonio awaited. He raised an eyebrow at my sudden change of attire but didn't question it further. I couldn't help but feel a small triumph at successfully outsmarting him, even if it was just for now.

As the car pulled back onto the road, my mind raced with thoughts of what awaited me at school. I knew I had to still find a way to change into the shorter skirt, but for now, I would have to endure the annoyance and frustration of this ugly, ill-fitting skirt.

But one thing was for sure—I wasn't going to let anyone, not even Antonio, ruin my day. I would find a way to reclaim control and show everyone that I wouldn't be held back by their expectations.

"Miss Mia, at some point you will need to leave the car and enter the school," he informs me after we arrive at our destination.

"I understand Antonio, I just want to stay in here for a little while," I reply.

"I still have some other tasks to attend to, Miss Mia. I will bring your bags to the reception for you. Please call your mother and let her know we arrived safely," he instructs, not waiting for my response. It seemed he had no empathy. I let out a sigh and called my mother to confirm our safe arrival at school. Antonio took my two bags to the reception, making sure I was okay, and then departed for New York.

I handed my resumption letter and sick sheet to the secretary, who issued me a permit to bring my bags to the dormitories. As I walked toward the dorms, I noticed that other students were already bustling through the halls. I couldn't bear the thought of them seeing me in the unattractive skirt I was wearing. Desperate to change, I sneaked into the female guest washrooms, only to find them out of order and locked. Scanning the hallways for any potential witnesses, I cautiously enter the men's washroom. Hastily entering a stall, I remove my longer skirt and attempt to put on the shorter one.

Just as I begin struggling with the new skirt, I heard people entering the restroom. Panic washed over me. I desperately hope they won't notice or sense my presence. Two individuals engage in conversation nearby. The stall I occupy has a partially elevated door, revealing my feet if they approached closer. Dread settles in. I decide to lower the toilet seat and stand on it, hoping to make myself less visible.

"I need several cases of beer and some good whiskey and vodka. This weekend is going to be an amazing celebration. Many teachers and staff members won't be around due to the conference in town. Marcus, make sure you don't disappoint me," one of the voices states.

"Tell him to get us a couple of smokes and possibly some edibles," adds the other voice. Trying to move silently, I carefully lower the seat and attempt to climb onto it. However, my clumsiness got the best of me, and I stumble, with one foot landing on the seat and the other hitting the stall door. At that moment, everything fell completely silent. Utter frustration engulfs me as one of my shoes slips off and lands outside the stall. I curse myself internally.

SLAVES TO OUR SINS: BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now