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"Do you have any plans for tonight? There's a party happening," Cam asks, approaching Cass and me. It's Saturday and we've spent most of the day filming Cass playing the piano for her Instagram followers. Usually, our weekends consist of doing laundry, being on our phones, and creating content. Today, Cass decided to showcase a new song she's been working on. I've always been amazed by her talent, whether it's writing songs, poems, or her angelic voice. She's also one of the most skilled ukulele and piano players at our school, even though she only showcases bits of it online. We're currently taking a break with Cass editing the video and me sketching a new design in my notepad.

"Hi to you too Cam," Cass responds with a sarcastic smile clearly insinuating that she was offended he didn't great us first .

"Sorry, you really make me nervous Cass. I was actually contemplating how to approach you, but since everyone's talking about the party, I just blurted it out." Cam says apologetically.

"No worries, Cam. You can join us. Don't mind Cass, she's harmless. Be nice!" I interject, moving closer to Cass on the bench to make space for Cam as i butt her elbow for being rude to him.

"So, are you guys planning on going to this party? I've heard it's invite-only for the popular kids," Cam comments.

"We were actually invited, yes. How about you?" Cass asks.

"We were invited?" I question. Normally, Cass receives invitations to all the parties due to her popularity and her friendships with some cheerleaders and popular kids. I used to get invites too, but after my issues with Mr. Davis and him getting fired, most of them sided with him and stopped inviting me. I still tag along to a few parties with Cass, but mostly keep to myself, studying or focusing on my designs.

"Yeah, Alex personally handed me an invite and insisted that you especially have to come," Cass reveals, typing away on her phone. It has been a week since the incident with Matteo, and I've been avoiding him and even Alex. I don't want to be on their radar.

"Why would he insist on having me there? Either way, I'm not going. Sounds suspicious," I reply.

"Why not? It's been a tough week, and we could use some free booze and good music. And if you feel uncomfortable, we can always leave. What about you Cam?" Cass suggests.

"I haven't been invited. I'm not that popular, I guess," Cam laughs.

"You can have my invite. I won't be going," I offer.

"You have to go. I'll be taking photos for Instagram, and I need your help. You promised me you'd assist. Come on, Mia. Plus, you need to relax, especially with all the stress you've been dealing with," Cass pleas.

"Fine, but I'll only go if you get Cam an invite too," I state. Cam has been nothing but kind to me so far. We've met up a few times during the week to discuss the fashion show and dance, and I admire his sense of style. It's similar to mine, but with an added rawness and chaos. I love it. He's still a mystery, but as long as his intentions are good, I don't mind.

"Alright, I'll make it happen. Let me text Alex to bring an extra invite before the party," Cass says.

"Since when do you have his number?" I ask out of curiosity.

"We exchanged numbers when he cornered me in the shower room after PE. He wouldn't return my clothes unless I gave him my phone to input his number," Cass explains.

"Quite the romantic move. Once Alex sets his mind on something, he'll do whatever it takes to get it. Just be careful, Cass. He's not who you think he is," Cam shares, causing both Cass and me to give him a questioning look. Cass appears less than amused.

"How do you know him? I thought you were new to this school?" Cass inquires.

"I'd rather not discuss it right now. But I am warning you, please be careful," Cam becomes defensive and shifts uncomfortably in his seat, leaving Cass and me confused.

"Forget him. I'm only keeping his number because I occasionally need booze and weed, and he keeps changing his number whenever I block him. What's the point in deleting it now? He just texted back. He is  bringing over an extra ticket now. How punctual of him," Cass states.

"Here?" Cam asks.

"Yeah, he said he's close by and will be here soon," Cass responds.

"I should go, then," Cam says, grabbing his bag.

"Wait, write your number down. I'll text you later. I would appreciate if you also find me less intimidating." Cass offers, handing him her phone. He inputs his number, and within seconds, he disappears.

"Well, that was odd. Why was he in such a rush? Do they have some history or conflict?" Cass asks curiosity written all over her face.

"Don't ask me. I have no idea either. He's quite mysterious. The only thing I've noticed is that he always walks in the opposite direction whenever Alex enters a room. I asked him about it the other day, but he ignored me. Could you at least make an effort with him? I really like him and wouldn't mind having him around." I explain.

"Are you ladies gossiping about me? Admit it already, you find me incredibly sexy. Every girl does," Alex interrupts as he enters. Seeing him dressed casually is unexpectedly appealing. I've seen him at my parents' parties a few times, but never really interacted with him, as he was always with Matteo or his parents. At school, I've simply minded my own business and never paid much attention to his friend group.

"You're a seventeen-year-old guy, of course, girls at this school find you attractive. However, I personally find you repulsive, annoying, and..." Cass begins, before being interrupted.

"That's not what you were saying when you cane all over my hands, is it? Alright then, no extra ticket for you! Watch your mouth, it'll get you in trouble," Alex threatens, walking away. The shock on Cass' face as embarrassment creeps in tells me everything I need to know.

"Shut up! I am sorry. Can I have the ticket now?" Cass asks her cheeky super rosy.

"Say please. And follow me back on Instagram," Alex requests.

"Oh, screw you, Alex! I don't follow just anyone," Cass retorts.

"Seems like you don't need the ticket," Alex responds.

"Fine then! Damn it! Please, Alex, can I have the ticket? Look, I just followed you back on Instagram," Cass gives in, showing him her phone. Cass only follows five people: me, her mother's charity, her private account, her sister's account, and my older brother Killian. For her, it means having a close connection if she chooses to follow someone. I bet she'll unfollow Alex the moment he walks away, sparking rumors about her love life, something she avoids sharing on the internet.

"And you're coming too, right, Khalifa?" Alex asks, finally acknowledging my presence as he hands the ticket to Cass.

"What the heck did you just call me?" I ask, putting my notebook down, ready to slap him.

"To be fair, your boobs and eyes kinda resemble hers. Plus, your name is Mia. I didn't mean any harm, though," he laughs.

"Screw you!" I hiss.

"I'm sorry," he pretends to apologize. "Can I have a word with Cass alone?" he asks, and Cass shoots me an apologetic glance.

"Fine, whatever," I brush past him and tell Cass that I'll be heading back to the dorm. Part of me wonders where Matteo is; they're always together. Luca, too, is usually just quietly blending in with Ethan too.

Maybe Matteo is busy preparing for tonight's party. I want to talk to him about the engagement, so he can discuss it with his parents. However, I decide to keep my distance. I'm already dealing with the aftermath of his anger towards me. People constantly stare at me, and I've overheard Ashley and the cheerleading squad whispering about me, calling me a slut. How on earth am I a slut when I'm a virgin in all aspects?

SLAVES TO OUR SINS: BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now