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"Well, well, well, it seems we have a young lady in the men's restroom, Alex," the first voice chuckled.

"We have ourselves a little spy, don't we? Come out, little girl. Let's see who dares to enter into the men's domain like this," the other voice, Alex taunted. Damn! I reached for my shoe underneath the door, but someone snatched it away before I could grab it. Frustrated, I stood up and sighed. I hadn't realized that my skirt was still on the ground. As soon as my brain registered this, I quickly dropped down to retrieve it, but another hand swiped it away faster than I could react. Then, another hand snatched my small bag from the floor. Screw me! They left me with nothing but the blouse I was wearing and my underwear. High school boys were such idiots.

"Please give them back," I shouted.

"She's naked in there, Matt. Oh, what a lucky day for us," Alex sneered.

"Come out right now, and you can have your skirt back," Matt demanded.

"No, just give me the skirt, please. I promise I'll never enter the men's restroom again. I had an emergency, and the women's restroom was locked. Please," I pleaded.

"Alex, go outside and be on the lookout. Don't let anyone walk in," Matt instructed.

I froze in place. Screw my life. All because I wanted to wear a short skirt. I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

"Come on, Matteo. I want to see too. Don't be selfish. We can both stay in here and get her out of the stall," Alex insisted.

Oh, my god. When the second voice referred to his friend as Matt, I assumed it was just some random boy named Matt. But when he said Matteo, I froze. There was only one Matteo in the entire school. Matteo Bertelli. I mentally cursed so intensely that it was almost audible to them. If this was Matteo, it meant that the Alex he mentioned was none other than Alex Barret, son of Ezra Barret, the senator under my father's governance. Damn me!

"No, I said go and keep watch. I'll get her out of the stall, even if it means breaking down the door," Matteo decided. After a moment, I heard Alex leave, and the door slammed shut.

"You have three options here," Matteo began. "Option one: I pour water above the stall and get you all wet. Option two: I place my phone above and below the stall and record you, then post it on Instagram for the whole school to see. Option three: You come out quietly, and I can see exactly who you are and why you're in the men's restroom," he spoke firmly. "I could also just push in the door and break it, but that risks you getting injured. Take your pick."

"Fine! I'll come out. Just please don't record anything, don't humiliate me, and promise you'll give me back my skirt," I said, my voice filled with fear.

"Fine. Come out," he emphasized. I unlocked the stall door and emerged slowly, trying to pull down my blouse to cover my underwear. Matteo studied my face and then smirked. I immediately knew he recognized me. I had seen him at countless dinners his family attended at my parents' place. We had crossed paths often but never spoken. I had been lucky enough to not have any classes with him, even though we were in the same year. He was the most popular and feared boy in school. Everyone worshipped him because of his family's status. It was annoying how much the students idolized him. I, on the other hand, was popular as the organizer of school dances and fashion shows, not to mention my father being the governor.

"Mia Knight, Miss Entitled, Miss Goody two shoes in the men's restroom? How intriguing. What brings you here? Are you sleeping with a staff member? Otherwise, why would you be naked in the men's restroom?" he smirked, mocking me.

"Shut up, Matteo! I'm only here because I need to change clothes, okay? The women's restroom is out of order. Now please give me back my skirt. This is harassment," I retorted, moving closer to where he stood to grab my skirt.

"You're a very rude and entitled bitch, you know that? Speak to me politely, and I'll give you back your skirt and shoe," he smirked.

"Fine. Please, Matteo, may I have my things back, oh king of everything?" I replied sarcastically. He was being a jerk, and I refused to fall into the category of people who worshipped him.

"Oh? So now you're getting smart with me? Well, let me soak your skirt with water, and then we'll see who's smarter," he threatened, moving closer to the sink.

"Please, Matteo, I'll do anything. Please don't wet my skirt," I pleaded, reaching for the skirt in his grasp. He quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

"I like it when you beg like that. Makes me want to put you on your knees where you belong. Kiss me," he stated firmly, staring into my eyes.

"What?" I exclaimed, trying to process what he had just said.

"You said you'd do anything to get your things back. I said kiss me," he repeated.

"For god's sake, Matteo, come on. I'm begging you. Just give them back," I pleaded.

"Matt! The teachers are patrolling. We need to go. Hurry up!" Alex shouted from the door.

"I'll leave with your clothes, Mia. It's all up to you. How much do you want them?" he said, releasing his grip on me and moving towards the door.

"Okay! Fine! I'll kiss you!" I blurted out and walked towards him. I had never been this close to a man in my life, let alone kissed anyone. And now, I was standing in front of Matteo, who demanded a kiss from me. How difficult could it be? I had seen countless movies where it seemed simple enough. I closed my eyes and leaned in towards his mouth. What was happening? Our lips were supposed to touch at this moment, right? I opened my eyes only to find Matteo gazing at me with intense eyes.

"I heard you were an easy girl. What makes you think I'd ever want to kiss someone like you? We all know everyone who attended that last party went home with the flu, just like you. So, you must have had a kissing frenzy. Either way, you're not my type. I'm not interested in desperate girls. Isn't that why you slept with the teacher and then had him fired?" he dismissed, pushing my skirt, shoe, and bag towards me.

I quickly slipped on the skirt as he watched me. Embarrassment and anger flushed over me, and all I wanted to do was smack his smug face. What an asshole.

"Don't let me hear a word about the phone call you overheard earlier," he warned as he slammed the door behind him.

SLAVES TO OUR SINS: BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now