murder #1.1

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"okay so what do we have?"

"A homecide"

"Where's the body?"

"Come with me."

Hanbin, his partner Gunwook and agent Kim started walking to where the body was found.

"Who reported it?" Gunwook asked

"The mom. She was out for one night and when she came back she found her son." Agent Kim explained.

"Oh jeez. What kind of weapon could do this? Is there a weapon found?" Hanbin asked.

"Nope. And I have no idea what weapon they used. Nothing was found" Agent Kim said.

The body that was laying on the floor was really pale. No sign of blood.

Hanbin and Gunwook started looking around to see what could've possibly done this.

"Hey look. Here's some kind of needle wound." Hanbin said to his partner Gunwook.

"Hmm yeah looks like it. Was he killed because of some kind of poison?"

"Yeah maybe. We'll found out after the autopsy."

"Let's talk to the mother now shall we?" Hanbin said.

Hanbin and Gunwook walked to where the mother was.

"Ma'am. I'm detective Park. This is detective Sung. We'd like to ask some questions. First of all, could you explain what happend when you found the body?"

"I was out with some friends and I slept at one of their places. My son is old enough to stay at home so I just texted him that I would sleep at adelinds house. When I came home this morning I saw that the front door was open. Nothing was broken so I assumed that he was near the door. And then I went to our living room and.. and.."

"I am sorry for your loss miss. We'll found out who killed your son. Can you think of someone that would want to hurt your son?" Hanbin asked miss Shen.

"No.. No Ricky was a sweet boy. He was friends with a lot of people in his school. All of his friends love him." Miss Shen said.

"Okay miss thank you for answering the questions. We'll be in contact. And again sorry for your loss." Gunwook said to the lady.

"Thank you. Oh and detectives. I am ofcourse Ricky's mom so I think he would tell me everything but maybe his friends know if anyone would hurt him. One of his friends is our neighbor. You could try to talk to him." Miss Shen informed the detectives.

"Thank you miss Shen. We'll go there. And if you remember anything then you can always call us."

They said their goodbyes and miss Shen went back to the other agents.

"Okay so are we going to the neighbors house?" Gunwook asked Hanbin.

"Yeah maybe we can find something there." Hanbin answerd.

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