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A year later

"Baby? Where are you? We have to go!"

"Yeah I'm coming!"

Hanbin sighed. "Hurry up Hao we have to leave."

Zhanghao finally came downstairs hair still messy from sleeping. "Sorry bin"

Hanbin smiled at him "your lucky you're cute" Zhang Hao shyly smiled back.

Hanbin and Zhang Hao were finally out the door and on the way to the airport. They were going on a vacation to Italy.

When they arrived at the airport they grabbed their luggage out of the trunk and walked inside. "I'm kinda nervous" "you don't have to be nervous Hao, everything will be fine"

Zhang Hao and Hanbin got on the plane without any trouble and after a while it took off.

After 11 hours they finally arrived in Italy. They checked out and got their luggage. They were staying for a week in Italy. After they were out of the airport they went to the hotel they were gonna stay at to check in.

"Your name?"

"Sung Hanbin."

"Room 143. Here are the keys. It's on the 3rd floor to the left and then at the end off the hallway you'll see your room."

Hanbin nodded at the man. "Thank you."

They arrived at their room and started unpacking their suitcases. "How do you feel Hao?"

It had been exactly a year since Ricky died. The moment it all started. "I'm.. still alive at least. I think about them a lot."

"Me too. Even though i didn't know your friends that well. But Taerae and gunwook.."

"Yeah i think about them a lot too. It feels so wrong they died because they didn't have anything to do with what happened that vacation."

"I still find it weird that Matthew hated them so much for those little things they did"

Zhang Hao shook his head. "He always held insane grudges against people. I guess they went to far in his perspective."

"Hmm" Hanbin then suddenly walked in to the bathroom and came out a few minutes later wearing swimming trunks. "Let's go swim now. Its vacation we should be happy not sad."


"Change into your swimming trunks then"

"Yeah yeah calm down we still have aaallll day"

"Hao hyung it's already 6 PM we don't have all day."

"Ohh I forgot it was already this late"

"Yeah so chaaangee"

"Yeah yeah binnie" Hao walked over to Hanbin and gave him a kiss. "I'll go change now"

I guess this is the end :) did you guys like it? I hope you did! I'm not the best but it's also my first story so it's okayy. English isn't my first language so I hope made sense ahahahaha

Have a good day everyone!

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