murder #1.2

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Detectives Sung and Park arrived at the neighbors house. They were knocking on the door when a boy around their age opened it.

"Hey, can I help you?" Ricky's neighbor asked.

"Yeah actually. I'm detective Sung and this is my partner Park. We're here to ask some questions about Ricky." Hanbin said to the boy.

"Oh God. What did he now?"

"He didn't do anything. He was found murdered in his home this morning. Where were you last night? Did you hear anything?" Detective Park asked.

"Wow okay. I... I was home last night. I was gaming with some of our friends. Ricky and I were in the same friend group since middle school and were friends before our friend group too. I didn't hear anything special last night. Do you know who did this?"

"No we don't know sir. Can we have your name and age? And can we have all the names of the people that you were gaming with?" Detective Sung asked.

"My name's Kim Jiwoong. I'm 24 years old. Uhh I think I was with Kim Gyuvin, Han Yujin and Seok Matthew." Jiwoong answerd.

"Thank you. Do you know if anyone would want to hurt Ricky?" Detective Park asked.

"Uhh I don't know. He was good with anybody honestly. Very chill guy. Girls at school loved him. Though recently he broke up with his girlfriend. I don't think she would hurt him though. Oh and he had an argument with this guy. What's his name? Uhh Yoo Seungeon I think." Jiwoong told the detectives.

"Okay thank you for your time Jiwoong. Call us if you think of something else that might help us." Detective Sung replied.

The detectives went back to their car to go to the police station. They did some research about Ricky. He didn't have a criminal record. Neither did his mom. His dad passed away a few months ago.

"Damn in half a year miss Shen lost her husband and her son. That must be hard." Gunwook said to Hanbin.

"Yeah I can't imagine what that must be like. Plus they seem so nice. Who would do this?" Hanbin replied.

"By the way I also checked Yoo Seungeon. No criminal record. Same goes for Jiwoong and their friend group." Gunwook said.

"He broke up with a girl though right? I didn't catch her name." Hanbin said.

"Me neither. We forgot to ask. I'll call miss Shen."

Gunwook immediately grabbed his phone and dialed miss Shen's number. After a few seconds she answered.

"Hello who's this?"

"Hello miss Shen. It's detective Park. I just had one more question. Who was Ricky dating? His friend Jiwoong said they broke up recently."

"Oh I didn't get the chance to meet her because they didn't date for that long. I think her name was Bahiyyih."

"Okay thank you very much. We'll let you know if we have another question or if there's any information on your son ma'am."

"Thank you detective."

Gunwook hung up the phone and searched for a Bahiyyih.

"Okay Hanbin we're looking for a Bahiyyih that lives nearby."

"Oh I think I found her. Huening Bahiyyih. Yep it's her. She posted photos with Ricky on her Instagram. And she goes to his school. She lives on Alpine road 125th."

"Let's go then."

Hanbin and Gunwook left to go to their car and drove to Alpine road.

"I've always liked Alpine road. The houses are nice and the Alpine Courtyard is just so beautiful." Hanbin said.

"True very true" gunwook replied.

After a little while they arrived at Bahiyyihs house. They rang the doorbell but no one answered.

"I guess we'll have to call her then." Gunwook said.

"Yeah I guess so. It's late tho we should go home. Hopefully tomorrow we get the autopsy so we know what killed him." Hanbin said.

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow."

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