murder #4.3

849 39 11

Matthews POV

In the last couple of days I haven't heard much from the police. A couple of questions but easy to make my own story around it.

I succeeded though. I killed them all.

I killed some people I didn't want to die but that doesn't matter anymore.

It's time for me to go now.

3rd person POV

Matthew sat on his couch. He was sad and happy at the same time.

He killed his friends but he was happy that he did it.

Matthew did think it was necessary to write a letter. To Zhang Hao especially. He was gonna miss Zhang Hao. Hanbin too. He didn't know him for that long but he felt connected to him in some kind of way.

After the letter was done he stood from his couch.

He brought his gun to his head




Hanbins POV

When I arrived at Zhang Hao's house I knocked on his door. Zhang Hao opened the door but walked away immediately so I couldn't see his face.

"Hey Hao are you okay?"

Zhang Hao stopped and turned around so I could see his face. "I'm worried Hanbin. Is that wrong? The killer... Is it Matthew? Who else could it be? You? That would be way worse cause that would mean that I'm about to die.. or somebody else? Outside our friend group?"

Zhang Hao walked to where I was standing and put his hands on my shoulders. "Hanbin please tell me who you suspect. I'm losing it. I think I'm losing my mind."

I hugged Zhang Hao. "We think it's Matthew. We got the DNA results back and it was Matthews blood on the sink. He apparently got hurt and went downstairs to wash off some blood."

Zhang Hao backed away from the hug to look into my eyes. "You're serious?"

I nodded. "Yes"

"Why though. Why kill all of your friends? Wait... I'm still here... Hanbin? I don't wanna die yet.."

"Calm down Hao. I saw the captain leave and he said he was going to Matthews. They're probably arresting him right now"

"Good. That's good"

At that moment I got a phone call

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Hanbin. It's the captain. I need you to come to Matthews house."

I looked at Zhang Hao. "Why?"

The captain sighed. "Matthew died."

My eyes got big. "Matthew died? How?"

"A gunshot"

"I'm coming captain."

I hung up and said bye to Zhang Hao.

Then I got in my car and drove to Matthews house. When I arrived I saw multiple police cars. I parked my car and got out of it. Matthews front door was already open so I just walked in.

Then I saw my captain. "Captain"

I looked around and saw Matthew laying in the floor. A gun next to him.

My captain looked at me. "I'm sorry Hanbin. Turned out to be Matthew after all."


The captain turned around again and walked to a table nearby. He picked something up and gave it to me. "You're mentioned in it. So is Zhang Hao, so I suggest you two read it together."

It was a letter with our names on it. "You can go now Hanbin. Go read the letter with Zhang Hao."

I nodded and walked out of the house again.

When I arrived at home Zhang Hao was waiting for me on his couch. "What happened?" He immediately asked.

"Well he was shot. Probably suicide. The captain called me because Matthew left a letter behind. With our names on it." I showed Hao the letter. "Should we read it together?"

Hao nodded so I went to sit next to him.

Matthews letter

For Zhang Hao and Hanbin,

Hi. If you're reading this then I'm dead and you've found me. I'd like to apologize to the both of you. Zhang Hao I'm really sorry that you're going to be the only survivor of our friend group. And Hanbin I'm sorry I killed two of your friends.

You're both probably wondering why I did this if you haven't figured that out yet. Do you want to know why?

Because of one vacation a few years back. It all went wrong there. In the beginning everything was perfectly fine and I was having a good time. Until Gyuvin stole my ring and Yujin didn't give a shit. He let it all happen. And damn Ricky and Jiwoong being all lovey dovey. I'd rather throw up.

I know these are weak reasons to kill them but I'm a vengeful person. I guess I overreacted. But once I started I couldn't turn back. So I killed them all.

Now you know why. I guess this is my goodbye to y'all. Have a good life to the both of you and take care.

Kind regards,


Hanbins POV

Hanbin finished reading the letter and  he was thinking about what Matthew said. "He should've gotten some kind of therapy because damn he really had sick thoughts." Zhang Hao spoke up while still looking at the letter.

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