murder #3.2

716 35 34

Taerae's POV

I was parked outside of Jiwoongs house. It was starting to get dark. If the killer follows his pattern he would strike again tonight.

I just have to stay alert.

I must say this is the boring part of work.

Jiwoongs POV

I was cooking dinner when I suddenly heard a knock on my back door.

I knew it was dangerous but for him I'd open the door any time.

"Hey come in"

"Oh you're making dinner?"

"Yes do you want some too?"

"Yeah if you have enough"

"I sure do. By the way does your police agent know your here?"

"No but I needed to talk to you. I think I might know who it is."

They both sat down to eat their dinner. Spaghetti.

"Mmm this is good. You should cook more often Jiwoong."

"Thanks. I should invite you more for dinner then."

"Yeah that would be nice."

We talked some more and did the dishes after. We walked upstairs and I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. He was standing in the door way.

"You said you had an idea about who the killer was?"

"Yeah" he said walking closer to Jiwoong. He gave him a hug.

Jiwoong hugged him back and looked down on him.

"You're so cute."

"And you're so handsome" he said looking up.

"It's pretty sad you know?" He said to me

"What's sad?"

"That I have to do this."

"Do what?"

He walked a bit. I stumbled backwards. He was still in my arms.

Then suddenly he grabbed my head and pushed me down.

My head was under water.

I tried to fight back but he was strong.

I can't breathe


I feel weak

I start to stop fighting

My lungs burn

I fall asleep

Killer's POV

After I killed Jiwoong I heard the front door opening.

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