murder #2.3

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When Hanbin, Gunwook and Zhanghao arrived at the police station the rest of the friend group was already there.

"Sorry for your loss everyone. We need to talk to everyone though. Yujin first" Hanbin said to who remained of the friend group.

Hanbin, Gunwook and Yujin went to an interrogation room.

"So where were you the night Ricky died?" Hanbin asked.

"I was gaming. At Jiwoongs house"

"And the night gyuvin died?"

"At home. I was tired so I fell asleep at 6 PM." Yujin answered again.

They asked Yujin a few more questions before they let him go back to the rest of his friends.

Zhanghao came in next.

"Where were you the night Ricky died?" Hanbin asked Zhanghao.

"I was at home."

"Can anybody confirm that?"

"Yeah my mom."

"The night Gyuvin died?"

"I will honestly say I visited Gyuvin that night but I left at around 6 PM."

"And where did you go after you visited Gyuvin?" Gunwook asked.

"Home. You can ask my mom. Plus I was texting you that night." He said to Hanbin.

"Yes, that's true. We'll have to ask your mom if it's true though."

They asked Zhang Hao a few more questions before the next person came in.

"Matthew where were you the night Ricky died?"

"At Jiwoongs place. I left around 11 PM."

"Where did you go after that?"

"Home. My mom can confirm"

"Good. Where were you the night Gyuvin died?"

"At home. Sleeping. I had a rough day so I went to bed at around 7 PM i think?"

"Can your mom confirm that too?"

"Yes. Yes she can."

After some more questions Jiwoong came in.

"Where were you the night Ricky died?"

"At my place with Yujin, Matthew and Gyuvin."

"How late did they leave?"

"Gyuvin slept at my place and Matthew and Yujin left at around 11 PM."

"And the night Gyuvin died?"

"I was drinking at a bar."

"Which bar?"

"Happy Hour"

They also asked Jiwoong some questions and after that he joined his friends.

"Honestly they all have pretty good alibi's if their moms confirm" Hanbin said to Gunwook.

"Zhanghao being at Gyuvins house though. And theres something with Yujin and Matthew idk what though."

"Jiwoongs alibi isn't that strong either if you think about it. Gyuvin stayed the night over he said. But Gyuvin can't confirm that anymore. The rest left at 11 PM. After that he could've gone to Ricky since they're neighbors. The night Gyuvin died he was at a bar. We can ask if anybody saw him there." Gunwook added.

"True we'll have to go to the bar."

Gunwook and Hanbin walked out of the interrogation room. They told everyone to go home and thanked them for their time.

Meanwhile Gunwook and Hanbin left to go to Happy Hour.

When they walked in they showed their badges and told the barista if she'd seen Jiwoong here a few days ago.

She took a closer look at the picture.

"Yeah. Yeah I think I did see him. He talked to a few ladies and left at around 12 AM or 1 AM not sure though."

"Okay thank you ma'am for your time."

"Okay so he did go to Happy Hour. What was Gyuvins time of death though." Gunwook said

"7 PM. He could've gone to Gyuvins house, kill him, clean up and gone here though." Hanbin answered.


Hanbin and Gunwook drove back to the police station so Gunwook could go home on his own.

Hanbin drove to Zhang Hao's house. Hanbin immediately hugged Hao when he opened the door.

"I don't know why but I strongly feel the need to protect you Hao. I feel the need to protect you all but with you idk it's different."

"Calm down Bin. It's okay. Come in, I'll get you some tea.

Gunwooks POV

When Hanbin dropped me of at the police station I walked to my car when I saw Matthew standing near it.

"Hey Matthew, everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just.. I just remembered something."

"Really? What? Everything could help us."

"Well I just remembered that when Hao joined our friend group he got bullied a little bit. Not really bullying i guess but we weren't that nice to him. Maybe he held grudges against us?"

"Yeah that could be possible. Thank you for letting me know Matthew."

"No problem. I have to go now though. Have a nice evening detective!"

"Thank you too Matthew."

After Matthew walked away I sat in my car. I called Hanbin to let him know the new information about Zhang Hao.


"Gunwook what's up?"

"Matthew just talked to me. He said when Zhang Hao joined the friend group he got bullied at first by them. Matthew thinks he held grudges against them."

"I'm with Zhang Hao right now so I'll ask when he comes out of the shower. Thanks Gunwook. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah see you tomorrow."

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