murder #4.1

753 38 23

Yujins POV

I felt kinda safe again. The police was outside and everything was locked. My parents were out of town this weekend so I finally had the house to myself.

I was shocked to hear the news about Taerae and Jiwoong. There weren't many of us anymore.

I missed them.

I wanted to distract myself so I figured I should do some homework. I had a paper due next week so I could finish that now.

I slammed my laptop when it didn't do when I wanted it to do. "Stupid thing. Can't you just do whatever I say."

Ofcourse not.

Finally it started working again when I heard a knock on my window.

When I looked I saw somebody. "Heyyy."

Then I opened the window. "Come in"

When he was standing in my room I asked him why he came through my window. It was kind of weird.

"If the police sees me they'll think I'm the killer. You know they think it's one of us."

I thought that it did make sense. "Who do think it is?"

"I don't know. What about you?"

"To be really honest... I think I know who it is. I just don't know the reason. I can't think of anything why they would want to hurt us."

"Yeah me neither"

"Oh really? Why'd you do it then?" I fired back. No way it wasn't him. If it isn't him then it's somebody outside of the friend group.

"Me? Yujin.. you really think it's me? How.."

"Don't act dumb. What was the reason?"

"Well then if you insist." He walked to the other side of my room. I didn't know what he was doing until I saw him grab my baseball bat.

He started walking towards me. "Yujinie. Always cute and oh so innocent. Right?"

Then he walked in a circle around me. Dragging the bat along the floor. "Can't remember a certain vacation. Can you?"

That's when it hit me. The damn vacation. Jiwoong and Ricky being all lovey dovey while he had a crush on Jiwoong. Me and Gyuvin accidentally losing his dad's ring. Taerae being at the wrong place at the wrong time. But Gunwook?

"What did Gunwook do?"

"He was in my way. He was definitely going to figure out it was me. Hanbin is oblivious. He wouldn't suspect me"

Reality hit Yujin. He was going to be the next victim. Yujin groaned when he felt something hard hit his head.

When he walked over to his desk to grab his phone his vision became black.

Hanbins POV

When I woke up Zhanghao wasn't laying next to me. I panicked. I checked my phone and saw that I got a text message.

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