murder #3.3

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The next morning

Hanbin was sleeping peacefully until he woke up because of a phone call.

"Hello?" Hanbin answered with his morning voice.

"Hey Hanbin. You uhh need to get here."


"We have another murder."


"I'm sorry Hanbin But Jiwoongs house"

"Taerae was watching him right? Is he okay?"

"I'm sorry Hanbin"

Hanbin hung up the phone. Zhang Hao was looking at him worried.

"There was another murder" Hanbin said. His voice was deep and had a voice crack because he was trying not to cry.

He failed.

He cried.

Very hard.

He had known Taerae for a few years and they were pretty close outside of work.

Zhang Hao hugged him.

"Which house was Taerae watching?"

"Jiwoongs" Hanbin hiccuped.

"I'm coming with you"

When Hanbin and Zhang Hao arrived at the crime scene Hanbin couldn't stop crying. He saw taerae stabbed and shot and then saw Jiwoong with his head still underwater.

He was angry.

Angry at the murderer and at himself.

He should have prevented this.


"Yeah captain."

"I know you're working on this case but we think someone else should take over. You should stay home or if you want to do something for this case stay with Zhang Hao. Protect each other." Hanbins captain says.

"I.. I want to solve the case."

"I know you do Hanbin. But your intern died and now another agent died. We need to protect you. I don't want to lose you Hanbin."

"I... Yeah okay. I'll stay with Zhang Hao then."

"Good. Now go home. Take some rest."

"I'll do that. Take care captain."

"You too Hanbin."

Hanbin told Zhang Hao that they needed to go home and told him that he wasn't on the case anymore.

"You're staying with me though, right?" Zhanghao asked Hanbin.

"Yeah, yeah i am"

They went back to Zhang Hao's house and Hanbin took a shower.

When he came out of the shower, hair still wet he hugged Hao.

"Hey get off of me! Your wet!"

"Sorry I forgot my hair wasnt dry yet"

"Go dry dry your hair then you can hug me all you want"

Hanbin immediately walked back to the bathroom. After he dried it he saw Hao laying on his bed so he joined him.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Zhang Hao suggested.

"Yeah sure. Not a scary movie though. Don't want that right now."

"Yeah me neither. So.. a Disney movie?"

"We should watch Frozen!"

Zhang Hao agreed and he put it on.

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