murder #3.1

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When Hanbin arrived at Zhang Hao's house the front door was open. Hanbin definitely didn't like that. Hanbin grabbed his gun and flashlight. It was already dark outside and no light was turned on in the house.

"Zhang Hao?" Hanbin yelled.


Zhang Hao suddenly stood behind him in the doorway.

"Omg Hao you scared me. Where were you?"

"I forgot to tell you that my aunt is on vacation and I'm supposed to watch her dog. She escaped so I had to get her back."

It was a golden retriever puppy. Very cute. But she had a lot of energy still.

"Her name is Nala. Allergic? I hope not. She's adorable so you better not be allergic." Hao chuckled a bit.

"No I'm not allergic. Nala's cute though. Thought I told you not to open the door though."

"Yeah my aunt brought her here and when she left she didn't fully closed the door. Nala pushed it open and ran away."

"I see. I'm glad you found her"

"Yeah. Hanbin?"

"Yes Hao"

"What happened to Gunwook"

"Car crash. I don't think it was an accident. I think he knew something i didn't. I just.. I failed to protect him Hao. He's my intern. I was supposed to guide him. See if he liked real detective work, not get him killed."

"You couldn't do anything about Binnie."

"Well I put cops in front of everyones houses. Excluding yours. I'm staying with you if you don't mind."

"I definitely don't mind. Do you wanna watch a movie? To take your mind off of some things? You could use some relaxation."

"Yeah that would be nice."

"Let's go to my room then."

Zhang Hao and Hanbin layed on Zhang Hao's bed. Had some popcorn and were watching Tangled. Hanbin chose it. Zhang Hao loved the movie too.

When the movie ended Hanbin was the first to speak up.

"I think we should go to bed. I'll take the couch downstairs. Do you have a blanket?"

"Are you crazy? You're not sleeping on the couch. Stay here with me."

"You really don't mind?"

"Nooo we could cuddle!"

"You're cute Hao."

They got ready for bed and layed down after. Zhang Hao the little spoon.

The next morning Hanbin woke up Zhang Hao wasn't next to him anymore. Hanbin panicked.


Hanbin got up and ran downstairs.

Where he found Zhang Hao in an apron.

Baking pancakes

"Good morning. I hope you like pancakes!"

"Good morning Hao."

They ate breakfast together and did the dishes together too. After that they got themselves ready for the day.

"Do you wanna go on a second date Zhang Hao?"

"Are you asking me on a second date then?"

"If you want to then yes I am asking you on a second date."

"Where are we going?"

"Dinner? I am gonna go to Gunwooks house today. See if his parents are okay and after that I'll pick you up. Is that okay?"

"Sounds good"

They watched a series in Zhang Hao's bed and ate lunch together. Then Hanbin left to go to Gunwooks house.

When miss Park opened the door she immediately hugged Hanbin.

They'd met before when Hanbin dropped Gunwook off a few times.

"Come in dear. Do you want tea? Coffee? Something else?"

"Tea would be nice thank you miss Park."

"How are you Hanbin?"

"Honestly not too well. I have a strong feeling Gunwooks crash wasn't an accident. I think it had to do with a case we're working on."

"You think he was murdered?"

"Yeah I do. He called me before it happened. He had new information on someone in the case. I think the killer thought Gunwook was a threat."

"That'd make sense."

"How are you doing miss Park?"

"Not well dear. My husband isn't dealing well with it. I'm barely holding on too. It's just so weird to realize i can't ever talk to him again. We couldn't even say goodbye."

"Gunwook was a good guy. He was smart and always kind. He was such a good intern. Miss Park I am so sorry for your loss. I should have just dropped him of myself instead of letting him drive home. Then it wouldn't have happened."

"Dear it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself."

They talked some more before Hanbin looked at the time and saw it was 5 PM already. He texted Zhang Hao that he would come and pick him up.

Hanbin bid his goodbyes to miss Park and drove off.

When he arrived at Zhang Hao's house Hao was already outside.  Zhang Hao saw the car and stepped in the passenger side.

"You look damn handsome Hao."

Zhang Hao blushed

"Thank you Binnie. You don't look so bad yourself. Btw how was miss Park doing?"

"Not well. She's trying to process it."

Hanbin then started the car and drove off. They were going to this little restaurant called Sushifull.

It was a twenty minute drive so they just listened to some music.

After they arrived they walked into the restaurant and someone led them to their table.

"Did you place a reservation?"

"Yeah after you said yes I thought of this restaurant so I thought why not?"

"It's cute restaurant."

"It is. Plus I've been told the foods really good."

After a while they ordered their food.

"So how's it going on your work?" Hanbin asked.

"The kids are very loud but other than that it's going very well."

"That's good to hear. And your dance classes?"

"I tried to distance myself from the friend group so I haven't gone to dance class in a while."

"When this is all over we're taking a dance class together."

"If we survive"

"We will."

Then their food arrived.

They kept eating and talking for a very long time.

At 11 PM they decided to go home and just sleep.

The next morning

Hanbin was sleeping peacefully until he woke up because of a phone call.

"Hello?" Hanbin answered with his morning voice.

"Hey Hanbin. You uhh need to get here."


"We have another murder."

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