murder #4.2

737 37 18

Hanbins POV

After I took some of Zhang Hao's blood I went back to the captain. "Should I take him to the precinct?"

The captain looked at me and nodded. "Yeah take him to an interrogation room. We'll hear his side of the story."

When I agreed I started walking back to the car Zhang Hao was sitting in."I'm taking you to the precinct"

Zhang Hao just looked out the window.

When we arrived I got Zhang Hao out of the car and we walked inside. Zhang Hao had his handcuffs on again. Just in case.

I opened the door of an interrogation room and let Zhang Hao in first. I signed for him to take a seat.

I sat in front of him. "So, do you want to tell me what happened last night?"

Zhang Hao wasn't even looking at me. I could feel he was stressed. "I heard a sound, that's why I woke up. It happened to be your phone, it lit up with a text message. I was going to wake you up, wanted to give you your phone when you woke up so I grabbed it and read the message. When I read it I couldn't breathe. But I wanted to get there as fast as possible. I know I should've woken you up."

Zhang Hao still wasn't making eye contact with me. It bothered me. "You indeed should have"

Zhang Hao closed his eyes for a second. He took a long breathe and opened his eyes again. He looked Hanbin in his eyes. "I sneaked in. His window was open and we all used to sneak into his room. We've all done it a million times." Zhang Hao let out a big sigh. "When I stepped into Yujins room I hugged him.. there was blood everywhere but I didn't care. One of my best friends died, I needed to be there for him and I wasn't. I was asleep when he was suffering. I was laying warm and cozy next to you while he was dying."

I saw a tear roll over Zhang Hao's cheek and his voice had small voice cracks. I wanted to be there for him but I knew I had to keep it professional. It's my job and even though I'd rather hug him and comfort him, I knew I couldn't. "Hao?"

He looked at me. "Hm"

We made eye contact. "Uhm where were you the night Jiwoong and Taerae were killed?"

I could see Zhang Hao was thinking. "With you. You were at my house."

I felt sorry that I had to ask him all these questions. "And where were you the night Gunwook died?"

My voice broke when I said his name. "I was with you. We dropped Gunwook off here and then we drove to my house."

He was right. I knew he was. So he doesn't kill but maybe he hires someone? "Do you have your phone with you?"

Zhang Hao nodded. "It's in my pocket."

Zhang Hao gave me his phone when I uncuffed him. "We're gonna track every phone call and text. To see if you have someone doing the dirty work for you."

The next day we were still waiting in the DNA test. We also couldn't hold Zhang Hao here much longer since we didn't have any proof. So we had to let him go by noon.

I slept at my own house again for the first time. It felt weird not sleeping next to somebody. I'd gotten a little too used to sleeping next to Zhang Hao.

In the next few days we couldn't do much. We were waiting for the DNA test. We did talk to Matthew but nothing came out of it and we couldn't keep him either.

Another morning flew by at work when the DNA test results came in.

I was shocked.

How did I not see this before.

The blood wasn't Zhang Hao's but Matthew's?

He said he wasn't even there the whole day. He hadn't been at Yujins house for a while.

Well ofcourse he would lie.

He's the killer after all.. it's not like he would go around telling everyone he's the killer.

I saw the captain leave the precinct. I guess to arrest Matthew. But I should call Zhang Hao.

Check up on him and apologize for everything he had to go through.

When I was done calling I received a text from Zhang Hao asking if I would stop by and maybe stay the night again..

I felt lonely without Hao so I agreed.

Sorry it took so long for a new chapter. Im very busy with school atm. And I had written this chapter and then it suddenly got deleted and I lost all my motivation but I'm back now :)

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