murder #1.3

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When Hanbin arrived at his house he made dinner for himself and went to take a shower after. While he was showering he started thinking about the case.

I feel so sorry for Ricky's mom. I can't imagine what it must be like for her. And his friends. I hope his death wasn't painful.

The next day

Hanbin stayed up late last night. He couldn't sleep. He's a detective but murders don't happen a lot where he lives.

Still his day must go on and he still has to talk to Ricky's friend group today. Same goes for Bahiyyih.

He gets out of bed, gets dressed and grabs some coffee. He didn't really have time for breakfast.

After his coffee he drives to work. When he arrives Gunwooks already in his seat at their desks.

"Good morning binnie. You alright? You look tired."

"Good morning. I'm alright just couldn't sleep."

"Yeah I understand. I found Bahiyyihs phone number btw but i think we should talk to the rest of the friend group first. I already contacted all of them that we are coming to see them. They're all gonna go to Kim Gyuvins house. So we're good to go."

"Let's go then."

Gunwook grabbed his jacket while Hanbin still had his jacked on and they walked to their car.

"I have a bad feeling about this case Gunwook."

"Me too Hanbin me too."

After a small drive they arrived at Gyuvins house. Gyuvin let them in and they all introduced their selfs.

"So why are you here? And why are we here?" Han Yujin asked.

"Ricky was found dead yesterday." Hanbin said.

Everyone was suddenly quiet. All the Boys were in shock. Silence broke because of someone who started crying.

Matthew couldn't believe what he'd heard. It felt unreal for him. He started to cry without even realizing it.

The rest of the boys immediately started comforting Matthew.

"Do you guys have any idea of who would want to hurt Ricky?" Hanbin asked the boys.

"No. Ricky's a good guy. Everyone loved him." Zhang Hao answered.

Matthew, Yujin and Gyuvin went to get some water with Gunwook. They needed to calm down a little bit from the shock.

Hanbins POV

"I'm sorry for your loss. But if you know anything please let us know. Jiwoong said he had a fight with Yoo Seungeon? And a break up with Bahiyyih? Do you know anything about that?"

"Bahiyyih and Ricky ended on good terms. After they broke up she went abroad. She always wanted to go abroad to study. Now she's finally selling her house and doing just that. I'm proud of her. Everyone in our friend group likes her and she isn't in the country anymore so if you're suspecting her your wrong."

Zhang Hao took a deep breath.

"As for Seungeon, it was a little fight. They're friends and they have fights sometimes. Nothing special. It's normal for them. They bicker all the time."

"Thank you Zhang Hao. But you really can't think of anyone who would want to hurt him?"

"No really. He was very likeable. How long have you guys been detectives btw. You seem very young."

"I've been a detective for a few years but my partner Gunwook is an intern. How long have you been friends with Ricky?"

"Not that long actually. Gyuvin introduced me to him in dance class a year ago. All of them have known each other for years. Some even while they were in diapers. Gyuvin was the first person I met when I moved here."

"How did you meet?"

"I was doing groceries when someone stole my cart. Found it down a few ailes with Gyuvin putting more groceries in it. Typical Gyuvin tbh. We became friends after that weirdly enough. When he found out I loved dancing he asked me to join a dance class. And Voila I met the rest of the group. Now they're my best friends."

"It seems like a fun friend group."

"It is. It's never boring hahaha. I didn't expect this though. Do you know what the cause of death is?"

"Not yet. We get the autopsy today hopefully."

"You couldn't tell by looking at him?"

"No. There wasn't any blood."

"Weird. Well if you find out can you call me? I can give you my number."

"Yeah sure."

Hanbin grabbed his phone and gave it to Zhang Hao. When Zhang Hao gave his phone back the rest of the boys and Gunwook came back from the kitchen.

At that moment Hanbins phone rang.

"It's Madeline, Gunwook."

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