murder #2.4

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When Zhanghao came out of the shower he sat down next to Hanbin. He was shirtless and he had wet hair.

Hanbin tried not to stare but failed miserably.

"Should I put on a shirt?"

"I think you should but at the same time you definitely shouldn't."

Zhanghao laughed at Hanbin.

"Zhang Hao, did you get bullied when you first joined the friend group?"

"Yeah I mean kind of. Maybe some people would see it as bullying. I thought more of it as teasing. Sometimes they went a little far but I didn't have anyone else and Matthew always comforted me."

"Matthew went to Gunwook. He said that you were bullied and thought you might've held grudges against them."

"He suspects me?"

"I don't know Hao maybe he does. Do you suspect anyone?"

"I still hope it's someone outside of our friend group if I'm being honest. I can't imagine any of us doing it."

"I get that."

"Do you and Gunwook suspect anyone?"

"No, not really. There's zero evidence and your alibi's are all pretty good."

"Is there seriously no evidence?"

"No camera footage, no fingerprints, no murder weapon there's just nothing. The needle wasn't found and they said it was a common hospital needle. The hole the needle made was the exact same as in the hospital. That's the only thing we found out. They could've used any knife to kill Gyuvin."

"Man the killer really thought everything through. Knowing that it definitely couldn't have been Gyuvin if he was still alive."

Hanbin chuckled at that.

"He didn't think things through?"

"No Gyuvin looked like he didn't think at all. Once in a while he had his smart moments."

They both laughed.

"If you're the murderer Hao I'm losing my mind." Hanbin said while laughing.

"I promise I'm not" Zhang Hao responded while also laughing.

At that moment Hanbin got a phone call.

"Hello?" Hanbin asked.

"Hey Hanbin. It's Taerae. You were guiding that intern Gunwook right?"

"Yeah I am, why?"

"He had a car accident. I'm sorry Hanbin but he didn't even make it to the hospital. You need to come here. See if it was actually an accident or if it was planned."

"I.. I'll be there. Where is it?"

"Hastings Highway on the bridge"

"I'm on my way."

Hanbin hung up and immediately started putting his shoes on.

"Hao you need to stay here. Gunwook had an accident. He didn't make it. I'm just gonna go there, check it out and come back to you, is that okay?"

"Yeah but please come back here. I don't want to be alone tonight. In case the killer comes. You be safe out there."

"I will. Don't open the door even if it's your friends Hao."

Hanbin and Zhang Hao said their goodbyes and Hanbin left his house. He started driving to where the accident happened.

When he arrived he quickly got out of the car and ran to the car Gunwook was in. He couldn't hold it anymore. He fell to the ground and started sobbing.

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