murder #2.2

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The next morning Hanbin woke up he was excited. He had his date today.
It was 10 AM when he got out of bed. So he just quickly ate breakfast, got dressed, brushed his teeth and went to his car.

It was a nice Saturday. The sun was shining bright and the temperature was perfect.

Hanbin picked up Zhang Hao and they drove to a little cafe.

"So Hanbin do you have any hobbies?"

"Well I'm busy with work most of the time but I like reading and dancing."

"I love dancing too, what kind of dance do you do?"

"Whacking most of the time but I like to switch it up sometimes."

"We should dance together sometime. That'd be fun."

"Yeah it would. What kind of work do you do?"

"I'm a kindergarten teacher!"

"Oh that's fun. That would've been my second choice."

"Oh really?"

Hanbin and Zhang Hao got to know each other better when suddenly Hanbins phone went of.

"It's work. Sorry I have to take this."

"No it's okay. Take it."


"Hanbin.. we have another murder. Sorry to interrupt on a Saturday."

"No it's fine where is it?"

"Bracklyn Croft 56"

"isn't that Kim Gyuvins house? I'll be there."

Hanbin looked at Zhang Hao.

"Hao I'm sorry but there's been another murder. We have to go."

"Murder? At Gyuvins house?"

"Yeah... I'm so sorry Hao"

"You can't do anything about it Bin. You're already doing the best you can."

Zhanghao and Hanbin left the Cafe to go to Gyuvins house. The met Gunwook there.

"This is getting out of hand Gunwook. Two in the same friend group. It's definitely targeted."

"Yeah.. Yeah I know."

Zhang Hao stayed with the rest of the cops while Hanbin and Gunwook went to agent Kim.

"Taerae.. what happend this time."

"Well it wasn't a needle this time. Come with me"

Taerae led them to where Gyuvin was laying covered in blood.

"Okay so first with a needle and now a knife. And two in the friend group. We should protect them all. And keep an eye on them." Hanbin said to Taerae

"We need to talk to them all again."

Hanbin went to Zhang Hao and explained that he needed to see everyone again and that they needed to go to the police station.

Zhanghao called everyone, told them about the news and went with Hanbin and Gunwook to the police station.

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