murder #2.1

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When Hanbin came home from work he immediately texted Zhang Hao. He was excited and really wanted to get coffee with him

Zhang Hao

Hey it's Hanbin

Heyy Hanbin how are you

Yeah I'm good how are you

Zhang Hao
I'm trying my best
A coffee would help

When do you want to go on our coffee date?

Zhang Hao
Oh it's a date?

Do you want it to be a date?

Zhang Hao
Yeah I kind of do want it to be a date
What about tomorrow?

What time should I pick you up?

Zhang Hao
11 am?
A morning coffee date and we can spend some time after that?

Perfect see you tomorrow

Hanbin put his phone down and went upstairs to take a shower. After his shower he fell face first in bed and fell asleep right away.

Flashback an hour ago
POV unknown

Where is this guy. He should be here. He always goes to get snacks around this time.

Then I saw him. Walking out of the grocery store. Hands full with snacks. He started walking to his house.

I followed him. When he walked to the front door, grabbed his key and got in, i prepared myself.

I had gloves in my back pocket. My knife in my hand. You wouldn't notice the knife right away. Maybe some would but he definitely wouldn't.

When I had everything I rang the doorbell.

He opened the door.

"Hey Gyuvin, can I come in?"

"Yes of course. What's up?" Gyuvin asked while letting him in.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm kind of scared. Ricky's killer is still out there. What if he goes after us next?"

"Calm down. He probably wouldn't unless he's a serial killer."

Gyuvin and I walked to the kitchen to get some tea. Gyuvin was faced away from me. This was the perfect opportunity.

I gave him a back hug.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

I brought my knife to his throat.

I sliced his neck.

He fell backwards.

He looked at me.

I cried.

I put my gloves on. Held my knife tightly in my hands and rushed out. I closed his front door and got in my car.

I threw the bloody knife in a bag so it wouldn't stain anything. I also put my gloves in that bag.

On my way home I stopped crying.

I need to be strong and do this.

I need to kill all of them.

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