Love bugs

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On their second date, Jade suggested they'd get to know each other even more with a few drinks. Perrie was a beer kind of girl while Jade was a red wine kind of girl but opposites attract, don't they?

Jade picked Perrie up in her car. Perrie didn't know much about cars but she could tell from the leather seats, the shiny hood and the big screen beside the wheel that it was expensive.

They decided to go to a private bar where they could drink without anyone (men) trying to bother them. They didn't drink too much to overshare but enough to get a little tipsy and set the mood. Jade was right, they got to know each other even better this way.

Perrie found out that Jade came from a rich family and goes to a very private college. If Perrie was completely sober right now she would be an anxious mess. She also learns that Jade is an only child, which explains a lot of things. Their taste in music wasn't far off similar and Jade seemed to be interested in all the bands Perrie talked about.

"I'll make you a playlist of my favourite songs!" Perrie sat scoots closer to Jade, the music in the booth being a little too loud.

Jade laughed, "A playlist?"

"What? You don't want it? You can listen to it when you're alone, they're not horrible. I promise I have the best taste in music."

"I'd like that, but I'd rather listen to your favourite songs with you."

"OH. Is that so?"

Perrie hadn't realised it but she had been drinking a lot more than Jade, which Jade didn't seem to mind. She laughed at everything she was saying, boosting her ego.

During all the laughing and teasing, Perrie couldn't help but stop and stare whenever Jade would tuck loose curls behind her cute little ear. She knew it was too soon to think this but she felt like she was falling in love.

Jade's scent was intoxicating. Perrie felt dizzy being so close to her like this. Their little private booth was getting stuffy or rather it was the liquor warming their bodies up. Either way, there were no windows to let some fresh air in so they decided to take a walk instead.

"This was really fun, we should drink more often." Jade said while Perrie overthinks about how the back of their hands would brush off each other while they walked. Sucking some air in her lungs, she wiped her hands on her jeans and took Jade's delicate hand in her own.

Immediately, Jade intertwined their fingers as if she had been waiting for Perrie to finally muster up the courage and touch her.

"I really like spending time with you." Perrie confessed, not that it didn't show whenever they were together.

"I really like spending time with you too, Perrie. I've been telling my friend about you." Jade blushed. It was Perrie's first time seeing Jade blush and it was the cutest thing she had ever seen in her life.

"A.. boyfriend?" Perrie teased and earned a nudge from the shorter girl.

"She really wants to meet you and this is a bit embarrassing but she's sort of protective over me."

Perrie was grinning like an idiot about the fact that someone as perfect as Jade would talk about her to someone that was most likely just as fancy and elegant. "That's no problem, we can plan something out."

"That would be perfect." Jade beamed, delighted with Perrie's request which only meant that Perrie had to really up her game. It wasn't going to be easy but she didn't want to let Jade down.

They continued to walk through the cool city night air in a comfortable silence. Something Perrie had never had with anyone other than Jesy. But this was different from her silence with Jesy. It was warm and cosy, full of something that made Perrie's stomach turn.

The drive home was worse than inside the bar booth. Perrie could smell all of Jade and it was driving her insane. All she wanted to do was hold her and kiss her, but she didn't know if it was too soon. It looked like Jade was taking things slow and Perrie knows she should be patient but damn does she wish she could get a little taste of Jade on her lips.

When they reached the front of Perrie's apartment complex, she realised that she didn't want to leave without knowing what Jade's lips felt like on hers. She wouldn't be able to sleep and she had exams soon. It was now or weeks of wondering what Jade's lips felt and tasted like.

Feeling the fuelled up liquid courage that was running through her veins, Perrie leaned over only to find Jade meeting her halfway.

Finally, their lips touched. Perrie felt like millions of love bugs were nibbling on skin. Jade felt and tasted like how she imagined she would but ten thousand times better. Perrie was convinced for a split second that someone had slipped some type of drug in her drink because it felt too euphoric to be real.

Nothing could stop this moment right now, it was too good to be true. So good, that they didn't stop with just one kiss. They went in for more and kissed again and again and again, until Jade slowly made her way to straddle Perrie's lap.

As they pulled away to catch their breaths, all Perrie could think about was how she wanted this girl in her life more than anything and how she would do whatever it takes to make her happy. If Jade wanted an ohi'a lehua flower, so be it- Perrie would hike the hottest volcano bare-footed to retrieve her the red flower in a heartbeat.

It didn't matter to Perrie what she had to do to make her happy because it was in that moment that she realised that she was definitely falling hard and deeply in love with Jade Thirlwall.

If they could and if she wasn't so afraid of Jade running away, she would have kissed her all night and marked her in all the right places.


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