part of the family

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Finally, winter break. Perrie had just finished exams and it was now time for her favourite time of the year, Christmas.

Jade was far too used to spending Christmas alone but instead of watching Christmas movies alone in her cinema room and reading, she hoped Perrie would stay with her.

"I'm going back to my hometown for Christmas." Perrie felt awful, the hope in Jade's eyes left but the smile stayed.

"Oh. Yeah, I understand. Christmas is for family time and you haven't seen your family in a long time." Jade used her latte mug to warm the palm of her hands.

She looked so simple yet adorable in her white turtleneck sweater. Her earrings dangled as she shivered when a customer opened the door behind them and let in a slight cold breeze. Her hair was in a half pony to remove her crazy curls away from her face. Even after over a year of dating the brunette, Perrie still felt like she was dreaming. She looked so soft and fragile.

"Perrie?" she tilts her head and waves her hand across the freckled face.

"Come with me." Perrie blurts out without thinking.

"What?" Jade laughs lightly.

"Come with me to my hometown for Christmas. Meet my family."

"Are you sure? You didn't just think about this last-minute or anything?" she blows on her steaming hot latte and takes a small sip. White foam covers the tip of her top lip and Perrie swears she's in a Christmas romance movie right now.

There's no way she's leaving this beautiful specimen alone for Christmas.

"I'm sure, I want you to meet them. Really." Perrie takes Jade's warm hands and rubs her knuckles with her thumb.

"I don't know, would they mind?" Jade tucks a curl that fell out of her hair tie behind her ear.

"You're like an angel." Perrie was almost dumbstruck.

"Perrie." Jade rolled her eyes and tilted her head.

"Okay, no seriously. Come with me, they won't mind a bit and they think I've been lying about having a girlfriend. I need to prove them wrong."

Jade thinks for a moment, with a smile. "Okay, yeah.. I'll come with you." she blushes.

"You can't back out now, even if I tell you it's a loud crowd in a cramped house.."

The brunette only laughed with a small nod, she didn't show it but she was excited. Too excited to even explain in words.

The day finally arrived, a week with her family and her girlfriend. So far, so good. Jade hasn't shown even a little bit of nerve in her which only worried the blonde. Why wouldn't she be nervous to meet her entire family?

Perrie was shaking from head to toe when she met Jade's parents, so why isn't Jade the same? She was a lot nervous about meeting her friends more than anything. It was a little suspicious.

"Sorry about having to take the bus." Perrie placed her hand on Jade's thigh.

There was a loud wail from a crying baby two rows behind them and the bus reeked like old gym socks. Perrie felt sorry for not letting Jade drive them to her hometown.

"Stop apologising," Jade rested her head on her shoulder and closed her eyes. "It doesn't matter where I am, just glad to have you by my side," she said as she intertwined their fingers. "It would have been dangerous to drive through all this snow anyways."

Perrie decides not to say anything else and let her girlfriend sleep. It was going to be a long ride to her small town.

"Babe, we're here." Perrie shakes the brunette gently and kisses her temple.

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