the end

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"Good boy!" Perrie cooed at the tan pomeranian dog, "Tuck and roll! Tuck an-"

"You love that dog more than me." Jade interrupts with two glasses of orange juice and sits beside her fiancée. It was a beautiful day out and the two were enjoying the sun.

"I love you to the moon and back, babe. But I love Hatchi to infinite and beyond."

Jade snorted, "You mean, to infinity?"

"I said what I said." Perrie leaned down to whisper in Hatchi's ear, "Don't listen to her, she hates what we have. She's just jealous, sure you bark a lot and shed all over our bed when you're not even allowed up there but at least you don't hog the blanket. You know she has a habit of pinching me when she cu-"

"Perrie!" Jade smacks the freckled arm with a book, "Are you seriously telling a dog about our sex life?"

"Well you won't let me tell Jes, I gotta tell someone."

"Tell your diary."

"How do you know about my- You read my journal!" Perrie sat up and watched her fiancee calmly flipping through her book with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Maybe don't hide it in our sock drawer next time?" Jade laughed and Perrie couldn't even be mad. Ten years with Jade and still, her laugh would give her butterflies like the first time she heard it.

"You wanna know something?" Perrie questioned out of the blue.

"Hmm?" Jade crossed her leg, her nose deep between the pages but Perrie knew she was listening.

"I think I saved the world in my past life to get this lucky."

Jade closed her book and raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"Look at you, you're perfect!"

"You tell me that every day." Jade stood up and sat on Perrie's lap before spreading a bit of sunscreen on her pale nose knowing that Perrie sunburns easily.

"Because you are."

"I guess." Jade shrugged with an innocent smile.

"See, now you're just teasing me."

"I didn't do anything but agree."

"Remember that one time I asked you what you liked about me. Can you add more to that list?"

Jade shook her head, "Just your eyes."

"Wha- Just my eyes? Really? That's... You agreed to marry me, because of my eyes, is what you're telling me."

"Yup." Jade pecked her cheek and then nipped it.

"Ow! You have too many bad habits, and picking on me is your worst one. I think you're a sadist."

The brunette laughed once more before kissing Perrie's cheek again and leaving a red lipstick mark, she grinned satisfied with the results.

"There's a mark, isn't there?" Perrie looked at her wife unamused. Jade shook her head and stared at Perrie. "What?"

"Your smile." Jade leaned over and placed her head on her shoulder. "I like your smile too."

"Oh, is that so?" Jade felt Perrie's cocky grin and pinched her arm, "Ow! I didn't even do anything!"

"Don't get cocky smiling your way out of things now." She closed her eyes and hummed at the sun that warmed their skin.

"I have other ways to get my way out of things." Perrie pulled her closer.

"Yeah? And what would that be?"

"Two big boxes in our closet."

"Perv!" Jade gasped and sat up to smack Perrie's arm once more but instead of wincing in pain, Perrie almost had a laughing fit.

There was nothing in this world but Jade that could ever make Perrie feel like this. It has been ten years since Perrie got caught in the rain and stepped foot in that library, ten years since Jade forgot her glasses and picked up Perrie's jacket instead of hers.

And ten years since Perrie met the love of her life.



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