Once more for Good luck

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Perrie was wrong. It came sooner than expected, she was on her way to meet Jade's parents. She wore her most formal clothes and did her make up, not too much but enough to make her look a little more 'mature'.

"Babe, stop fidgeting," Jade says, her eyes on the road.

"I can't! I'm meeting the love of my life's parents, how can I not fidget. Oh God, I'm so nervous I think I'm gonna puke." Perrie bounced her leg while she bit the skin around her nail. She raised an eyebrow at the brunette who looked like she was lost in trance, "Do I look weird? I look bad, don't I? I'm gonna embarrass myself and then they're gonna send you off to marry a prince or something."

Jade smiled, "I'm the love of your life?"

"I-" Perrie stops bouncing her leg, out of all the word vomit she was saying, the only sentence that Jade heard was that. "I mean, yeah.."

Jade leaves her car and waits for Perrie to follow her, "Is it too soon to say that?" the blonde was nervous as it is, she just had to slip and say that.

"You're the love of my life too. They'll love you, just be yourself." Jade hoped her words would help with Perrie's anxiety or maybe even just distract her a little.

"I am? Wh- That's the problem! If I act like myself, there's no way they're going to let me date you. I'm a mess."

Perrie rambled on while Jade disapprovingly stared at her. She only knew one way to shut her girlfriend up with little to no effort. Jade closed the distance between them with one pull from her collar and connected their lips with a heart-melting, mind-blowing kiss. Suddenly, Perrie completely forgot about why she was nervous in the first place.

"You look perfect."

Perrie was left speechless. There was a hint of pink on her cheeks while she observed Jade fixing the collar on her shirt. "One more for good luck?"

"Don't push it."

"Worth a try." Jade kissed her again though, but not the way she would if they were alone. She couldn't have a sexually frustrated Perrie on the dinner table.

With one deep breath, they entered the house, or so Perrie would say 'a castle'. It was far bigger than Leigh-Anne's house. The hallway itself was so big you could hear your breathing echo.

Just like Leigh-Anne, Jade had a butler but Perrie didn't like calling him that. Instead, she called him the man with a suit.

"His name is Albert." Jade pointed out.

"Hold my hand?" Perrie requested. It was cute to see the blonde act like a little child and with a warm smile, Jade intertwined her fingers and led her to the dining hall.

"Are they here?" Jade asked Albert and wasn't too disappointed when he shook his head.

Jade had briefly told her girlfriend that her parents were always too busy and were barely home. If you asked who raised Jade, she would say the staff who made her bed and cooked her dinner did. She didn't seem to mind this but Perrie knew that inside it hurt the brunette.

"I'll show you around before they arrive. Might help you relax a bit."

Perrie nodded and followed Jade around the mansion. Every room had high ceilings and large paintings and when she was thought it couldn't get any bigger, she was wrong

It made her wonder more about why Jade would want to be with someone like her. A single spoon in this household was probably worth more than her entire life.

The little, or rather big, tour of the building only made her realise their large financial differences. Perrie worked two part-time jobs at two different corner store's just to make ends meet while Jade was the daughter of a CEO. Their lifestyle was completely different and it reminded her of how she didn't deserve to have someone like Jade in her arms.

"Are you okay?" Jade asks when Perrie was a little too quiet.

"Your parents aren't going to like me, J." Perrie sighs and sits down on the velvet couch, careful not to mess up the fluffed pillows. Jade takes the space beside her and listens, "I work part-time jobs at local corner stores and always pay rent late even when I have Jesy to help me out. I have average grades and go to a public college that everyone gets accepted in. I don't think your parents are going to want me in your life."

Two soft hands cup her cheeks and a kiss on the forehead reassured Perrie that everything was going to be alright, "I want you in my life, Perrie."

The butterflies were back and so was her confidence.


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