new company

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Things have been going well for the couple. Perrie was doing amazing in her studies, Jade had been the same and they made love almost every other night without the worry of Jesy hearing them (not that it stopped them before), but something was missing.

It wasn't like Perrie was bored but she felt the need to fill a space in their home. Maybe it was the company of Jesy that she missed, either way, she needed to fill that space.

Then, after scrolling through her social media, it clicked. She knew exactly what she wanted. Jumping off the sofa, she rushed to the ensuite bathroom and swung the door wide open startling Jade in the tub filled with bubbles.

"A dog!" Perrie squealed.

"Perrie, you scared me! Can't you knock?" Jade held her hand on her chest.

"I've seen your everything there's no need to knock." Perrie grinned attempting to peak under the bubbles.

Jade rolls her eyes as she hid her smile, "What is it you want?"

"Oh yeah!" The blonde's eyes widened with excitement. She sat on the rim of the bathtub, "Remember how I said something was missing in our home?"

"Yes, and you were so bothered by it you bought about ten plants and ended up killing half."

"Well, I figured it out. We need a dog. Small or big, I don't care but I think we need one."

"Did you not just hear what I said? You killed half the plants you bought and all you needed to do was water them." Jade wasn't annoyed but she wanted to let Perrie know the responsibilities of a pet.

"I know~" Perrie whined, "But it's because they weren't what we were missing.." Jade sat silently on the tub as she watched Perrie's pout.

"I don't know, baby.." Jade bit her lip. It was hard to say no to Perrie but an animal in the house seemed like a lot of work.

Dropping to her knees to meet eye level with Jade, Perrie began to beg and whine like a child. Attempting to convince Jade but partly also trying to annoy her into saying yes. "Please, oh please, please, please! I'll take care of it, I'll bathe it, I'll feed it, I'll take it for walks and- and I'll even train it to obey my commands!" She begged, taking Jade's wet hand and pressing it on her chin.

Jade bit the insides of her cheeks, it was odd but she found Perrie on her knees begging and pouting a turn on. Blushing deeply, she looked at the bubbles in front of her. "You promise to take care of it?" she asked quietly.

Perrie oblivious to Jade's sudden change in mood continued to beg, "Yes, I promise. Please?"

Jade takes one more look at her. The hope and commitment in her eyes creating a bubbling fire between her legs. She let out a soft sigh and nodded. Perrie jumped with glee, dancing and twirling before bending down to kiss Jade all over her face.

"Mmph.. Jade..." Perrie said through their kiss when Jade deepens it. "My shirt," trying to pull away once she felt herself slipping further into the tub.

Jade couldn't care less about her shirt and pulled her closer. After Perrie realises that her girlfriend wasn't gonna let her go, she kisses back with just as much force falling into the tub and on Jade's lap soaking her clothes.

"You got my clothes wet," Perrie laughed lightly.

"Better to just take it off then."


It's been two weeks since their tub talk and after some research, the couple had adopted an adorable tan Pomeranian puppy called Hatchi.

The first few days were rough and even Perrie thought she couldn't handle the lively pup. While trying to balance her college, social life and part-time job, their lil' pup was just too much. But with a bit of training and time management, Perrie was able to calm him down and train him to sit, wait and roll over.

"Roll over! Roll over!" Perrie giggled, kneeling on the floor with a treat in her hand while Jade sat on the couch and watched Hatchi obey.

The brunette didn't want to admit it but ever since they got their little pup, Perrie had spent a little less time with her. She was too embarrassed to admit that she was jealous of the dog, so she stayed quiet and watched from afar.

"Good boy, Hatchi! Who's my good boy?" Perrie spoke in a baby-ish tone and rubbed Hatchi's tummy.

"Perrie, you're going to miss the best part." Jade points out but in reality, she wasn't paying attention to the show on their television either.

"Hatchi, paw."

"Perrie," Jade sulked.

"Good job, my wittle baby!" Perrie beamed kissing the Pomeranian all over. That's when Jade's pouting grew. The brunette strode over to Perrie and hugged her tight from behind, startling the blonde.

Hatchi growled and barked at Jade.

"Shoo! This is my Perrie!" Jade almost growled back, pulling on Perrie away from the little feral animal who was now tugging on the blonde's pants.

"Woah, hey, hey," Perrie attempts to stop them but with no luck, Jade ends up pulling too hard, toppling both of them on the floor, her chest against Perrie's back.

"Ow!" Jade winced in pain.

"Are you okay?" Perrie turns around, now hovering her girl.


"Where does it hurt?"

"Why do you care? Go see if your precious little boy is hurt instead." Jade crosses her arms and lays on her side.

Perrie starts to giggle, more like chuckle, at Jade. At first, she was startled at this unseen side of Jade that she had been trying to get out for months but when she figured out that a puppy was all it took for Jade's grumpy side to come out, she couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

"Stop laughing!" Jade almost yells as she brings her knees close to her chest like a fetal position.

"Are you jealous of Hatchi, baby?" Perrie takes Jade's wrists to pin her down.

"Get off of me, Perrie!"

"Look at me."

"No!" the stubborn brunette shuts her eyes closed.

Perrie smiled, "Jadey~ look at me," she hums, then kisses her cheek before moving over to where her jaw and ear connected.

Jade opened her eyes slowly, still showing a hint of grump on her face. She pouts and stares at Perrie's freckled chest.

"My eyes are up here," Perrie teased.

Brown eyes shot up, "Let go of me."

"Not until you tell me if you're jealous of Hatchi." When Jade doesn't say anything, Perrie pecks her nose. "Have I been spending less time with you and more with him?"

Jade nodded.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry I haven't been giving you much attention." Her grip loosens.

Jade sighs and fidgets with Perrie's necklace, "No.. I-I know how much you wanted him and he's only a puppy once. I don't own you like that, I'm sorry."

Perrie kisses her forehead before leaning over to kiss her lips, "He's just a pup," she smiles through the kiss.

"Mhm.." Jade giggled, wrapping her arms around her lovers neck to deepen the kiss but only to be stopped by no other than Hatchi himself.

"Cockblocked by my own dog," Perrie laughed.

"He reminds me of Jesy," Jade said propping herself up with her elbow as Hatchi jumped between them barking.

"I guess Jesy was the one that I felt we needed." The pair laughed as Hatchi continued to bark and lick their faces all over.


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