The Sandworm

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Marcus & Paul enter a conference room dominated by Leto's staff officers, including Hawat, and Gurney Halleck. Gurney grins as they enter. 

Gurney: Your first strategy meeting. Paul Atreides, who catches hunter-seekers in his bare hands like a hero of old. 

The staff officers along with Gurney and Marcus chuckle at the remark made by Gurney

Paul: Thanks for the humiliation, old man.

Marcus: Ah, leave it. He's just keeping an eye on you.

Gurney nods at Marcus

Paul and Marcus occupy the seats next to their father's.

Leto enters with the weight of leadership clearly visible on his shoulders. He gives his staff officers a nod and looks them in the eyes takes a seat at the head of the table.

Leto: Let's get started. Thufir. Operations.

Hawat: I secured a copy of the Harkonnens' account books. The Harkonnens took ten billion Solaris out of here every year.

Gurney: "For they shall suck of the abundance of the seas and the treasure hid in the sand."

Hawat: We won't see profits like that for a while. Not with the equipment they left us.

Leto: How bad is it?

Hawat leads Leto, Marcus Paul, Gurney, and the other staff officers up to a Spice Freighter in a secured hangar.

The ship's cavernous cargo hold yawns open.

Hawat: These are spice silos. We're meant to fill every crate

Paul: All of them?

Hawat: Every 25 standard days. Harkonnen sabotage slows us down. 

Paul: But who's meant to arbitrate? Isn't there a Judge of the Change to oversee the transition? 

Marcus: I believe there is, and if I recall correctly, the Emperor did appoint someone to that task.

Gurney: Who did the Emperor appoint?

Hawat: Dr. Liet Kynes. Imperial Ecologist. Been here 20 years. Eccentric, from what I'm told

Leto: I want to see these harvesting fields myself.

Hawat: I wouldn't recommend it, my lord.

Leto: Have this Judge of the Change accompany us. A meeting's long overdue. And we'll get a bit of Imperial protection. 

Gurney: A hostage. I love it.

Marcus, Paul & Leto smirk at Gurney's comment.  Hawat touches his transceiver.

Hawat: Hmm, my lord, he's here.

They look up when the Ornithopter's wings thump. Three ornithopters fly quickly in their direction.

Marcus smiles as he knows who has arrived.

The lead ornithopter comes in fast and low, flares its wings and touches down lightly. Hawat's security personnel rush to check the aircraft and Duncan Idaho appears as if he is transformed, he appears to be wearing a Fremen stillsuit and robes, with a long sword with a two-handed cruciform hilt, as he exits the ornithopter. 

His ornithopter departs three Fremen. The security force of Hawat approaches. The Fremen keep a wary eye on them. Idaho comforts them in their native tongue

Duncan: (in Chakobsa) Go with them in peace. 

He casually welcomes Hawat's troops when they arrive.

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