The Holy War

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At the top of the table, is Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. For his day of victory, he wears a Harkonnen outfit with military flair.

The Baron is served a lavish dinner, including a steaming roast, cheese, and wine, with his fork and carving knife, breathing like a buffalo, while Arrakis-born servants and guards stand petrified and ready to serve.

Baron Harkonnen: You have a good kitchen, cousin

Duke Leto is drowsy from Yueh's drug, naked and confined to a chair under the mounted bull's head. He cannot make out the Baron at the head of the table. The night of Arrakeen is ripped apart by violence outside the tall windows, with smoke pillars ascending and horrifying red fires sparked from below. Piter walks in next to the Baron and pauses with Doctor Yueh.

Piter: Milord Baron. Doctor Yueh

Baron Harkonnen: The Traitor! What do you want?

Doctor Yueh: I jammed their comms and lowered the shields. I delivered the Duke and his family.

Baron Harkonnen: The bargain to the letter! And what was I do to for you?

Doctor Yueh: Deliver my wife from her agony.

Baron Harkonnen: Yes.

The Baron pokes his fork into the roast and stands up, his feet temporarily leaving the ground due to an overactive set of suspensors.

Baron Harkonnen: I said I'd set her free. That you could join her.

He extends a hand and grabs Dr. Yueh by the hair. His hold was frighteningly firm. Yueh exhales.

Baron Harkonnen: So join her

The Baron brutally removes Yueh's head with a carving knife, leaving no time for Yueh to struggle. Blood sprays the servants, who remain silent. The Baron shows Yueh's head to Piter and swings the knife around Leto, while slowly walking down the table with the knife-point.

Baron Harkonnen: What do you think is next?

He levitates closer to the paralysed Duke of Arrakis and sits on the table in front of Leto.

Baron Harkonnen: For hundreds of years,  we traded blood for blood. But no more. Your sons are dead. Your concubine is dead. Tonight the House of Atreides falls. And your bloodline ends forever. 

Leto begins to say something under his breath.

The Baron immediately reaches for his ring to put on his shield.

Baron Harkonnen: What did you say?

Leto: "Here I am, Here I remain"

A cloud of toxic vapour is released by Leto, but it is blocked by the Baron's barrier and only partially crosses its limit. When the Baron retches and yells, his suspensor system goes into overdrive and he shoots upward. Piter and other guards and servants die in the chamber as the vapour spreads quickly around the space. Additional guards rush inside and die one by one. More people die as a result of the Duke's magnificent surprise

The doors slam shut from the outside.


Marcus piloted the ornithopter into the winds over Arrakis, his pulse pounding with adrenaline. The night sky above the city was blazing with the red glow of pursuit. The unrelenting pursuit of the Sardaukar and the Harkonnens was a continual danger, casting a shadow behind him.

Marcus skillfully controlled the ornithopter as laser bolts sliced through the air, his attention fixed on avoiding the approaching fire. His entire action was guided by a single goal that was a combination of his intuition and the Force.

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