Worm riding

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Outside Baron Harkonnen's healing chamber is Rabban Harkonnen, accompanied by a minimum of nine Harkonnen warriors. They hear things being tossed, smashed, and two terrified ladies screaming. A loud thump is heard, and the woman who was screaming at the top of her lungs stops. A moment of silence, no more.

Baron Harkonnen: Rabban

After giving his men a worried glance, Rabban walks into the room. Entering with much hesitation. He observes Baron Harkonnen returning to his bath while floating in the air completely nude.

Baron Harkonnen: Fremen attacks on your watch. Your orders were to restore spice production to full capacity. Do you know what it means if you fail?

Looking to his left, Rabban saw two female assistants' mutilated bodies with black blood splashed all over them. Rabban's eyes widen in terror as he takes in the horrific image in front of him. He is aware that House Harkonnen may suffer greatly if he is unable to revive the manufacturing of spice.

Baron Harkonnen: The Emperor will take spice out of our control. Tighten your grip, Rabban.

Rabban: Uncle.

Baron Harkonnen: Or feel mine on your neck.

Baron Harkonnen immerses himself completely in the tub. Determined to succeed at all costs, Rabban swiftly nods in agreement as he chills at the notion of confronting his uncle's fury.

It is early in the morning, with the sun just beginning to rise over the Arrakis desert. Paul is sound asleep, with Marcus and Chani dozing on his left and right, respectively. In the quiet of the dawn, a gentle wind caresses the fabric of their tents, establishing a serene ambiance.

Chani and Marcus notice Paul starting to mummer while he sleeps. Marcus's eyes open first, then Chani's, and they both listen carefully to Paul's mumblings. They look at one other worriedly.

Chani tries to wake Paul up by giving him a gentle shake.

Chani: Usul? Usul.

Paul wakes up from his slumber with a gasp. Paul looks around the tent as he wakes up, his face showing signs of uncertainty.

Chani: It's okay. It's okay. Hey. I'm here, I'm here. It's been a while since you've had one of those nightmares.

Paul: Mm.

Chani: Tell me, what was it about?

Before answering, Paul sits up and inhales deeply.

Marcus: What did you see?

Paul noticed a woman he couldn't identify strolling through the desert.

Paul: Nothing's clear. It's only fragments.I'm in the South, and I'm following someone. And it triggers a holy war.

Afterwards, the woman is walking along a path when she notices people on either side of her, some of whom are crawling in order to survive, and some of whom are as skinny as trees and are lying dead from starvation.

Paul: Millions and millions of people starving to death... because of me.

Chani: You've been exposed to spice for a long time. It can create weird dreams.

Marcus: Just remember what I told you about the sensing the future.

Paul acknowledges his twin with a nod.

Chani: It's a big day. We can ask Stilgar to call it off.

Paul: No. I'm fine.

Paul returns to his slumber. Chani and Marcus exchanged a troubled look once more before retiring to their own rests in silence.

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