The Reverend Mother of Arrakis

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Marcus can feel his mother's anxiety and terror as he assists her with her stillsuit.

Paul: It's an honour, isn't it? I think you should feel honoured.

Jessica: Well, it was a choice between this or death, so, you know, forgive me if I'm not flattered.

Paul: How does one become a reverend mother?

Jessica: It's different from one culture to another. Here on Arrakis, I have no idea.

Marcus: You're afraid

Jessica: Reverend Mothers are tasked with holding the memories of all the Reverend Mothers that came before them. So I'll be given centuries of pain and sorrow

Paul: Is it dangerous?

Jessica: It's lethal for men. That's for sure

Paul and Marcus exchange nervous glances as Jessica starts to leave.

The last Fremen start to depart from the Sietch and head towards the desert. Their dark clothing blends in perfectly with the changing dunes as they go determinedly and with purpose to their next destination.

The Fremen, along with Paul and Marcus, are waiting outside a large sandstone building where their mother, Jessica, has entered. The gang becomes more tense as they wait, wondering if Jessica will make it out alive. Their wait seems longer as the sun beats down on them, escalating their anxiousness.

The elderly Reverend Mother of Arrakis is preparing to hand over her responsibilities to Jessica within the cave. Lifting both hands, the elderly Reverend Mother touches Jessica's face. Reverend Mother gives a grin. She can sense Jessica's power and promise and knows she's prepared to take over.

Paul and Marcus are back outside the cave, still observing the cave's entrance. Turning to their right, they both spot a group of Fremen who appear to be impressed by them and believe they are the messiah's. Then they hear Shishakli and Chani laughing with some other group of Fremen, the ones who don't think the prophecies are true. Paul and Marcus exchange sly looks, both of them realising how serious the issue is. They come to understand the delicate balance of power at work in this desert town as they observe the relationships amongst the Fremen.

Paul starts to move towards Chani and her companions. Marcus follows his twin.

Paul: What are you guys laughing about?

Chani: Don't bother.

Paul: You don't believe in all this?

Chani: No, we don't.

Shishakli: These are old Southern beliefs.

Paul: Southern beliefs?

Shishakli: Southern tribes believe two messiahs will come to deliver us from evil.

Paul: You don't believe in the Lisan al-Gaib?

Chani: We believe in Fremen.

Shishakli: (in Chakobsa) Amen

Chani: You want to control people? Tell them a messiah will come. Then they'll wait, for centuries.

Marcus: I'm guessing you don't believe in the Force either?

Chani: No, we don't. We've all seen a lot of strange stuff, but never have we seen anything to make us believe that there's one all-powerful force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field that controls our destiny. It's all a bunch of tricks and nonsense if you ask us.

Stilgar appears from the cave's entrance.

Stilgar: Now, we must pray.

Stilgar then has his prayer mat prepared for him. He kneels down on the mat, closing his eyes in meditation, before beginning his prayers.

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