The Attack on House Atreides

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Duke Leto, Marcus, and Paul exit Leto's ornithopter and start to walk in the direction of the Residency. Leto orders his two sons in a firm voice.

Leto: You two cannot take such risks. You both have responsibilities.

Marcus: Sorry father. It was my fault.

Paul: Sorry, sir. It won't happen again.

Leto: Go!

Both Atreides brothers leave, shaken. Beside the ornithopter, Kynes stands watching. Leto strides towards her.

Leto: With your own eyes, it's plain to see. Everything they left is in shambles. We've been set up to fail.

Kynes: That carryall was not sabotaged, just old. The desert isn't kind to equipment.

Leto: You know what'll happen if I fail to get spice production back on track.

Kynes: I'm not here to take your part. Arrakis has seen men like you come and go.


Imperial Army Planet

A military base on a harsh planet is home to a massive military base with gunships and troop carriers. Ornithopters buzz overhead, and the Emperor's crest is displayed on giant Imperial flags. Thousands of warriors, known as Sardaukar, are pale-skinned and bearded, with long hair. These savages have aggression and bloodlust and lack compassion. A priest sings a menacing litany in a foreign tongue, while vicars walk among the soldiers with bowls of blood, daubing each Sardaukar's forehead and tongue. The blood flows from the sliced throats of prisoners crucified upside down at the edge of the field.

An officer leads Piter de Vries on troop inspection, facing challenges and facing challenges.

Officer: Why does the Baron need us? Harkonnens outnumber the Atreides.

Piter: The Atreides legions are the finest in the Imperium. Trained by Gurney Halleck and Duncan Idaho. We've also been led to believe that there is a force user among them.

Officer: Yes, I've heard. They have been the subject of much speculation and rumour. Some say they possess extraordinary abilities, while others dismiss it as mere myth. Regardless, we are the Sardaukar. The Emperor's blades. Those who stand against us fall.

Piter: Just so. Three battalions. As agreed. As a precaution, send in your soldiers to deal with force-sensitivity subjects, in the case of the force user in House Atreides.

Officer: The Emperor commands it. It is done.

 It is done

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Paul is examined by Doctor Yueh, Jessica and Marcus stand near him, and both are concerned.

Dr. Yueh: Spice is a psychoactive chemical. You and your brother both seem to be sensitive. You'll both be fine.

Jessica: Thank you, Dr. Yueh

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