Old Man

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The Arrakis desert stretches far away, its endless dunes shifting with the wind, creating a mesmerising landscape that seems to go on forever. The harsh terrain is home to unique flora and fauna adapted to survive in such extreme conditions, making it a truly fascinating place to explore.

A gun nozzle peaks out of a sand hill, with a Fremen looking through the scope. They then find the target, a spice harvester being lifted to land on a spot in the desert.

Inside the harvester, a man is singing and playing the Baliset.

???: (singing) ♪ Do away with these idiots ♪. I blame ♪ ♪ My stillsuit is full of piss ♪ ♪ My hand is caked in sand ♪. Save me from these utter morons ♪. Another world, another land ♪

The man playing the Baliset and singing is Gurney Halleck, looking a bit rougher since the Harkonnens attacked House Atreides on Arrakeen. He has a longer beard and longer hair. He is also wearing his own stillsuit, to guard the harvester on the outside. Gurney Halleck's voice is filled with bitterness and sorrow as he sings, reflecting the pain and loss he has experienced. Despite the harsh conditions of the desert, his music brings a sense of beauty and melancholy to the scene.

Man 1: We're in.

The harvester begins to land.

Gurney: Juicy?

Man 1: Juicy, juicy.

The alarm beeps, indicting a landing to commence in a few seconds.

Man 1: Well, it was nice knowing ya.

Gurney: Oh, yeah?

Man 1: Radar's clear. We're clear.

Gurney: Cooking time.

Gurney steps outside and puts on his helmet; he then slowly levitates off the landing harvester onto the sand below. The wind howls as Gurney surveys the barren landscape, preparing for the next phase of their mission.

As he lands, he bends down and takes a hand full of the sand, filled with spice, and lets it run through his fingers, feeling the power of Arrakis beneath him. The sun beats down on him, casting long shadows across the desert landscape.

Gurney: Juicy, juicy.

Man 2: (through comms) Yeah, I got a metre reading.

Man 1: (through comms) All right, guys, worms are on their way.

The other members of the crew step outside and begin their patrol, keeping a close eye on the horizon for any signs of movement. The anticipation of encountering a sandworm adds an extra layer of tension to their already dangerous mission on Arrakis.

The harvester begins to harvest spice.

Gurney walks slowly in front of the harvester, keeping an eye out for any potential threats. As the crew works efficiently, the rhythmic hum of the machinery fills the air, creating a sense of urgency and anticipation for what lies ahead.

Gurney spots something moving in the sands ahead of him.

He raises his left hand to notify the crew.

Gurney: Hold!

The harvester stops in its tracks, and the crew goes on high alert.

The thing that Gurney spotted continues to make movement in the sand. He squints his eyes, trying to get a clear look at what it is.

Then a rectangle shaped metal object jumps out of the sand and flies quickly towards the harvester.

Gurney: Mine! Mine!

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