House Harkonnen Strikes Back

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Princess Irulan: Imperial Diary. Year 10,191. Eighth comment. Reports from the south of Arrakis arrive rarely. These are barren, burnt lands hidden by sandstorms which stretch a thousand miles across the equator. Nothing can live there without faith. Which is why our Bene Gesserit missionaries have been so productive there. Through them, we are receiving reports of a mysterious figure taking grip on the imaginations of the Southern fundamentalist tribes. A new Reverend Mother from the North... spreading word of the imminent arrival of the Lisan al-Gaib, "The Voice/Voices from the Outer World." With religious fervour rising in the South, and Muad'Dib and Shabah strangling spice production in the North, everything points to the escalation of war.

When Jessica gets to the Southern Temple, she goes inside. A group of followers, their eyes full of hope and eagerness, meet her with eagerness. Jessica is aware that her existence will only fan the flames of prophecies and initiate the series of events that will permanently alter Arrakis' destiny.

There are ripples on the surface of the small pool of sand as the tiny sandworm moves through it.

Woman: (in Chakobsa) Only one at a time, or they fight each other to death.

Jessica: (in Chakobsa) How old?

Woman: (in Chakobsa) Very young

Jessica: Hmm

Jessica: (in Chakobsa) My daughter asks, how is it done?

The woman nods and looks at Jessica before turning to show her. Jessica is keeping a tight eye on everything.

Jessica: Quiet.

The woman approaches the sand pool cautiously, letting go of a piece of her head covering as she bends over the sand with delicate, precise hand movements.

With a pounding sound, the lady smacks her palm on the sand as she scans the pool for the sandworm.

She makes another pounding sound as she does it again.

Jessica keeps an eye out for the tiny sandworm as well.

The woman strikes the sand with her palm once again.

She repeats it again, but the little sandworm comes closer this time. The sandworm moves quickly and precisely in its approach. The woman steps aside at the perfect moment, catches the sandworm, and lets it wrap around her.

To soothe the sandworm, the woman gives it a few tongue clicks. The sounds made by the sandworm are very loud.

The lady approaches a tiny pool of water that is comparable in size to the pool of sand and keeps clicking her tongue at the sandworm.

Jessica follows to see how she does it.

After submerging herself up to her waist in water, the woman carefully releases the sandworm into the water. At that point, the sandworm begins to shake wildly in an effort to stop drowning. She is able to submerge it for a sufficient amount of time so that it drowns.

The lady inserts a tube into the worm's mouth to retrieve the blue liquid, referred to as the Water of Life, after the worm stops trembling and dies. The tube empties the blue liquid into a flask. Jessica marvels at the woman's skill as she carefully removes the priceless blue liquid from the sandworm. She becomes aware of the risky and difficult procedure needed to get the Water of Life.

Woman: (in Chakobsa) The Water of Life

Jessica is shown the flask by the woman.

Jessica: Listen carefully. Soon, two men are going to visit your temple, and they may want you to perform the rites.

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