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Lauren’s POV

I am currently standing in the lobby of JJToys staring at Steve’s large portrait hanging on the wall, alongside his accomplishments while handling the company when he’s still healthy and staring at it became my habit before I went to my office in the presidential floor.

It’s been 4yrs and counting since Steve and I last talked, because even until now he’s comatose.

4yrs ago when Atty. Harry, the corporate lawyer of JJToys and also the family lawyer, approached me after the day of Steve’s comatose condition. He said that Steve passes me the presidential seat of JJToys and I will not worry because we have men inside the company and also my secretary Normani Hansen knows how JJToys operates as well as how Steve works, she will teach me and from time to time Atty. Harry will visit me to notify every single detail, from smallest to biggest and that’s enough for me.

My first month at JJToys is kind of hard, why? It’s because, one, the shareholders belittling me that I cannot handle well the JJToys like Steve do, two, the current VP Shawn Mendes believe that the shareholders were right and three, some of the staff who didn’t knew me were giving me some judgmental looks. But after that month, I showed them what I’m capable of, the sales increased every month, I closed an accounts, a larger one just in 2mos and it was a biggest accomplishment, after that those who judged me respected me now and Shawn, he’s more mad at me.

I know from the very first day he didn’t like me and I assure him that I feel the same way. He gives me some negative, bad aura every time we see each other and I didn’t trust him at all. Normani told me about Shawn and even Steve didn’t like him at all, he can’t do anything since the board nominated him as the VP after Kristel the former VP was ambushed and the suspect is her own husband and even until now the case is not closed because the evidences didn’t match the crime scene. I believe, my heart and mind says that Shawn has a part of it. I always felt his greediness to own the JJToys but too bad for him he couldn’t let me down.

Before all that, let me introduce myself, I am Lauren Jauregui, and that’s my real name before Steve adopted me from an orphanage in Spain, when I’m inside the cartel making transactions of the other cartels I will be Mika Rafael and now I’m here in JJToys my name will be Michelle Fuego, Jacob Johanson’s goddaughter. I am the current CEO and handling JJToys for 4yrs and counting and even until now Steve is still comatose and I knew very well that once I found Camila Cabello, his daughter, he’ll be wake up but even until now there’s no clue of where she is.

I received lots of information about Camila’s whereabouts but all of them were negative and it frustrates me even more and the only information that Steve gave me is that she’s 27yrs old by now and had a mole on her big toe, her picture is she’s still 5mos old, how can I find her with only a picture?

I handled JJToys and at the same time handling and running the cartel inside.

Steve secretly runs the cartel inside JJToys, how? At dawn, says 1-3am that’s the delivery time, by using JJToys delivery truck, we pack the illegals alongside the toys and there’s no implications because we have lots of connection so the travel is easy. I will tell you how I met Steve Cabello.

Granny Lily Jauregui told me when I reached the age of 6 that she actually found me just outside her gate. Her house is not really an orphanage but the house where she lives alone, she didn’t have any family or relatives but she had a husband who died 10yrs before I came and I’m the first orphan before it became an orphanage. She said that I was still days old, only put in a shoe box wrapped in a fluffy towel, blood is still present in my fragile body and no indication of who I am and my parents. I know that they left me here because I’m a freak, I suffered from abnormal genetic mutation, what is that? For short I have a man appendage, yes, I have a cock instead of a pussy and it’s operational and at the same time I am a woman, I have breasts but I didn’t menstruate.

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