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Lauren’s POV

I am still thinking while driving my Black Jaguar XF Saloon, I hope Angela will not embarrass me as what Alex always did, especially in front of my future wife.

I already sent her a text that Camila didn’t know that her father arranged our marriage, and she replied okay.

I hope too that my Camila will get comfortable around my close friends and also, she’ll forget that bastard Shawn.

I’m on my way to our mansion where Steve was, I want the leader there and also that bastard Shawn. When it’s personal I chose the mansion, it’s like a memento and also it located so far away to the vicinity, almost in the border.

I’m now taking the path to the mansion and as usual a Black SUV was on my tail to assist me, that’s the part of the security of the area and my each of my car is registered to the security, they’re not only checking the car but also the driver.

The modern gate automatically opened, welcoming me home, security personnel had their heads bowed down as sign of respect until I passed them through to the back house of the mansion.

I saw Alex waiting for me at the entrance.

I stop the car, turn off the engine and stepped out, locking it.

Alex approached me while his arms wide ready to crush me in his brotherly embrace and he did.

“Welcome home, bro.”

“Thank you, if I can I will always come home here.”

“I know that, Steve knows that too.”

And we entered the house, we took the right side and the passage to the underground. The security bowed down their heads as we passed, I immediately heard the heavy panting of a man.

“You still brought him food, right?”

“Of course, he’s just tough, need to teach him a lesson because as what I said he’s talking shit, what now if he saw you in personal? It could be worse, you know me Laur.”

“I understand.”

Then we stopped to one of the rooms, we both entered and another security greeted us.

I saw Shawn’s leader thru the wide thick glass wall. He’s full of bruises and scratches around his body and some dried blood scattered on his chest. The scenario is not new to me.

“So, will you tell me now?”

I smiled at him, I promised to tell him the truth and I will, “Camila is taking it well, but I don’t know if he knew Karla but I will try, she said since she was 6, she stayed with them, a gang as what she said, and she met Shawn there.”

“I see, now I know why she’s not shocked when you told her, wait, as in tell her the whole truth?”

“Yes, bro, the whole truth, I didn’t leave even a tiny bit of information of us well except the marriage thing, I promised to bring her here once she’s fully recovered, our brother and sisters will meet her soon.”

“I didn’t fully saw her, I bet she’s a cutie.”

“She is, like a goddess.”


And we chuckled.

“During our interrogation to him, he only mentioned 5 possible locations of Shawn, there are only 3 left but I left some men to guard those 2 locations while they move to the other three, you know he might come back.”

Alex eyed me, he noticed me taking off my coat leaving me only in a black plain t-shirt where my muscles and toned stomach are visible.

“You’ll talk to him personally?”

“Yeah, once I knew he hurt Camila, God forbid me once more, and Granny forgive me, I’ll bury him here alive.”

Alex nodded, “can I come with you?”

“If you want,” and hang my coat on the vacant chair.

Alex notified the three securities that were in there to look closely. He always did it to prevent future traitors.

Then we entered another room, facing the leader.

“Am I receiving a treat?”

I heard him asking between ragged breaths then I heard Alex said.

“Nope, clearly no, do you still remember what I said to you yesterday if you don’t want to answer my question regarding Shawn Mendes’ whereabouts?”

The man looked terrified and quickly darted his eyes towards me.

“You know, I’m giving you a little treat,” then he said in a hoarse whisper, “she’s harsher than me, I swear,” and he nodded at him, “so you better answer correctly, you don’t want her to inflict pain on you, aren’t you? And oh, if you will not believe me, try to not answer her, you will know what I’m talking about, I warned you she may be a woman to you but,” and he shook his head at him, “you will surely say kill me now,” and he step backward, “be ready," and smirk.

“I know you will see me as weak woman, as what my brother said, try not to answer my question you will know why, okay?” I saw him gulp, this is good, “where is Shawn Mendes?”

“I don’t know.”

“He’s your underling, right?”

“Not anymore! He’s useless!”

I nodded at him then asked him another, “did you know about his wife? Karla, Karla Estrabao, Karla Mendes…” I said while wrapping a black handkerchief around my right fist.

“I know her.”

“Since when?”

“W-When she was still a kid, her mother sold her to me, no, to my father when we’re in Mexico, my father got killed so I take his position then we travel borders to borders until we got here.”

I nodded again and move to another, “tell me honestly, rate it from 1-5, did you treat Karla as your slave.”

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