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Camila’s POV

Everything is okay, Lauren is okay now after 2 days of rest. We’re back to normal and we didn’t talk about Shawn anymore because I’m sure Diana and Alex already took care of him, wherever they bury him.

I get to spend more time with Papi and he’s doing okay, we talk like there’s no tomorrow and that’s our everyday routine.

Lauren went back to work at JJToys and went home to the mansion. It happened in two whole months because after that I suddenly felt dizzy and acted to vomit. Even the food that is my favourite I began to dislike and it notices Lauren.



“I’m worried.”

“Of what?”

“Of you.”

“Why, what happened?”

“I don’t know, will you tell me?”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not only me but them too, even Dad, he notice it.”

I suddenly felt nervous, “w-what did they notice?”

“Some things that I can’t explain, Dad, Alex and Diana are giving me knowing looks, while Norma and Angela are all smiling while looking at you, so I’m asking you, are you okay?”

“I am fine.”

Lauren shook her head, “you’re not and I feel it,” and she gently pulled me, “tell me, anything, don't hide what you feel.”

It took me a few seconds before I replied her, “it’s my first time too but lately, I felt dizzy, I also vomit.”


I nodded at her then she took her phone and dialled a number, she put the phone on her ear and said, “Angela can you come up here for a bit?” “Thank you, Angela.”

“Love, I’m okay,” I said to Lauren, assuring her that I’m really fine.

“I feel that you’re not okay.”


“Let Angela check you, please, it worries me.”

I sighed then I nodded.

We heard a knock from the door.

“That’s Angela,” then Lauren kissed me on my forehead.

She walked to the door to open it, “hey…”

“What’s up?”

“I want you to check Camila, I wanted to make sure that she’s okay.”


Lauren walked with Angela then said, “I’ll leave you two,” “and love, please.”

“Okay, love, to ease your worries.”

“Angela, take charge.”

“I will.”

And Lauren left the room. After that I felt Angela’s stare at me so I looked at her.

“Care to tell me now?”

“What do you mean?”

“Mila, you can hide everything from them but don’t forget that I’m a doctor, the symptoms were all there, still want to hide it?”

I looked down while fidgeting my fingers, “I—really don’t know what happened to me, Angela, it’s just like before,” and I looked up to Angela, “I felt dizzy and vomit.”

“And Lauren didn’t know anything.”

And I nodded at her reply.


“I’m afraid,” and a tears escape my eyes then I wipe it away, “if—I really am pregnant what you said to me…”

“Mila, no, stop thinking of that because you will not, you’re clean now, you hear me?”

“I can’t stop thinking of it, my life is wonderful now, I got to know Lauren and I don’t want to leave her, I love her.”

“Oh Mila…”

Angela pulled me for embrace and I sobbed in her shoulder.

“I bet my profession in line if that happens and of course it would not, Lauren is like my sister too and there’s no way I will let her down,” and she wipe my tears away, “I will make sure that you and my niece/nephew will be okay, okay?”

And I nod, sniffing.

“Now, let’s start with the basics.”

And I nodded, wiping my tears away, I just need to have faith that me and my baby with Lauren will be fine.

Lauren’s POV

I’m pacing back and forth in front of our room while waiting for Angela to come out and tell me what really happened. I started to panic because they’re inside the room for 30mins now.

“I am like that too while I’m waiting for Angelique to give birth to Camila.”

I stopped from pacing when I heard that familiar voice and I saw Steve, cane in his right hand supporting his whole body. He’s getting better that’s what Angela said but she’s making sure of it.

“I—I can’t help it, dad…”

Steve smiled and nodded, “that’s perfectly normal,” and he approached me, “now tell me, what you are thinking?”

“I-I don’t know actually…”

And Steve leaned on the railings, “hmm lot of things, what about the first thing that comes in your mind?”

“I’m afraid.”


“I still remember of what Angela said.”

“That Camila could die?”

I looked down, “yes,” after saying that I hissed in pain when something hit the back of my legs and I saw Steve hitting me with his cane.

“Did you think you’re allowed to think of that?”

“I-I can’t help it dad, it’s the same symptoms as what happened to her before,” I reasoned.

“Still you’re not allowed, I’m her father and I’m not worrying that.”

I keep my head hung low, ashamed.

“Trust Angela, if she said that she’s clean then she is clean and trust Camila too, don’t wait for me to drown you again Lauren and this time I’ll make sure you will not live and I will bury you beside that bastard.”

I gulped, I accept if he will let me buried in the deep sea just not beside that asshole, it made me cringe and utterly disgusted. So I took a deep breath and sighed, calming myself.

“Good, I don’t want to see you in that state again, Lauren, you hear me?”

“Yes, dad.”

And we heard the door opened, revealing Angela.

“Your girlfriend is waiting for you,” I heard her say, “I really wanted to say it but I will let her.”

I nodded and bowed down to Steve, “excuse me, dad.”


And I entered our room then closed it behind me.

I saw Camila in our shared bed, she’s calmer now so I approached her, taking a seat beside her.


“I’m sorry for making you worry.”

“I understand why you don’t want to tell me.”

“I’m just afraid.”

I quickly wipe her tears that escape from her eyes, “I feel that too if you don’t know that.”

“Silly of me.”

“Same here.”

Then she offered her closed hands to me then she opened it in front of me revealing a white stick, I looked at her, confused of what’s in her hands.

“Angela said it’s a pregnancy test, the two red lines indicates that I really am, I took a lot to make sure because she said that it could be a false alarm, but it’s not, Lo, I’m—”

I didn’t let her finish because I quickly stop her from rambling by kissing her plump lips then settled my forehead to hers and our nose bumping.

“You’re pregnant,” I said with a smile.

“I am.”

And a smile appeared in her lips too.

MAFIA'S LOVE (Camren Original)Where stories live. Discover now