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Camila’s POV

I woke up with soreness in my thighs, I finally felt the sore but it’s a good sore.

I turned to my left where Lauren laid usually but I jolted awake when I didn’t find her there so I got up not bothering that I am naked.

“Lo?” I called but no one answered.

I quickly grabbed the robe and went out of the room when I didn’t see her inside the room.

When I stepped out of the room, I felt relief upon seeing Angela getting out of my father’s room.

“Hey, good morning, Mila.”

She greeted me with her usual happy face then I greeted back, “hey, uhm—”

“Let me guess, Lauren?”

I blushed, and nodded then she approached me.

“Don’t worry she’ll be back, she’s out with Diana and Alex, they just received information that there’s a dead body that was found on the shore, part of the property, they went there to check.”

“I see…”

“You think that she left you?”

I am ashamed of not trusting Lauren but still I nodded.

“I can’t fault you, you’re used to it with Shawn, but trust Lauren she will never leave you until you can’t stand her.”

I smiled because she understand, and I answered back, “it’s impossible, it must be Lauren who can’t stand me for being so clingy to her.”

“Don’t tell her this, but she liked it.”

And we chuckled.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome and oh, you’re free to roam around, okay?”

“Where were you heading?”

“In the kitchen, I’m helping Norma for our breakfast.”

“Uhm where is it, can I help?”


After Angela gave me the direction I quickly went back to the room to shower.
After a quick shower I headed to my luggage bag, I opened it and smiled because in there I saw Lauren’s clothes too along with mine, now I see why she only pack one luggage bag because we will be sharing it then I took my clothes.


I followed the direction that Angela gave until I heard their giddy voices. On my way to the kitchen several maids greeted me in Spanish again and I just smiled back at them.

“Woah, that was quick.”

I heard Angela said.

“I wanted to help.”

“Sure, feel free.”

“Your clothes looks good on you.”

I blushed at Norma’s compliment and replied, “thank you, Lolo pick it for me when she saw me eyeing this, I told her not to because it will not fit me but she insisted.”

“But it did now,” Angela replied, “be confident of yourself, Mila and besides you like it, you’re comfortable with it, and Lauren will surely pick it for you.”

“Angela is right and it’s important for our partners to know what we need because it will give them satisfaction.”

“I’ll remember that.”

We began to engage in a lively conversation while preparing breakfast until we heard our partners.

“Oh the girls are here,” Alex said.

“Bro, you better be on Lauren’s tail,” Diana said.

What Diana meant?

“Oh shit, you’re right.”

Alex was about to sprint towards the staircase when we heard Lauren’s booming voice shouting my name.

“I’m too late,” Alex said.

“How did you know that babe?” Norma asked to Diana.

“It hurts my ear, Ralph always whining to get home quickly after we found out that the dead body got nothing to do with us.”

And Alex continued, “right, she’s also complaining that she forgot to left a note for Camila that she’ll be out with us for a bit.”

“You better reply to her Mila,” Norma said.

“Oh yeah,” and I walked to the door of the kitchen, “in here Lo!” I shouted back.

“I can’t fault Lauren actually because you three said that you’ll be quick,” Angela said.

“We can’t drag those coast guards that roamed the sea, once they found out that there’s a dead body near here they surely investigate further,” Diana said.

“Diana’s right and it’s near the property, seeing such high securities in here they surely do,” Alex replied.

“Where’s the dead body now?” Angela asked.

“We ordered some securities to act as fishermen and told them that they found the dead body while they’re fishing and they already know what to do.”

The conversation of the dead body stopped when we saw Lauren sprinting towards the kitchen and found me. She quickly approached me and embraced me tight which I reciprocated.

“You’re here, I thought you left,” Lauren whined.

“I can’t, you know why? Because the securities will surely report to you immediately if I left and why would I left, I’m stuck with you, remember, for eternity.”

“I forgot to leave a note.”

“Lo, I can’t read that much, you forgot?” I said in a hoarse whisper.

“Yeah, shit I forgot to buy you a phone.”

“It’s okay now, Lo, the important is you’re here, I’m like that too when I woke up and couldn’t find you, so I can’t fault you.”

“Okay,” and she smiled and give me a peck, “good morning.”

“Good morning.”

“Too much cheesiness.”

I heard Alex said.

“You ruined the moment,” Angela said and playfully slap Alex’s arm.

“I’m hungry,” Alex complained.

“Okay, okay.”

And we all laugh.

“Let’s eat breakfast now, can we?” Diana said.

We were about to settle on the dining table when a maid began to call Lauren.

“Señorita Mika, Señorita Mika!”

We all shared a look and Lauren stood up and approached the maid.

I can’t understand what the maid is saying because it’s Spanish, the next thing I knew is that Lauren sprinted away.

“Mila, come on,” Norma said.

“What’s going on?”

“Your father,” Angela answered.


“Relax, Mila, let’s go after them so we will know.”

I nodded and go with them.

Lauren’s POV

We’re about to eat breakfast when the maid suddenly called me so I stood up and quickly approached her. She began to explain but I froze on my spot when I heard her that the light on Steve’s room was blinking in light green instead of a steady green so I sprinted towards the second floor, skipping the steps of the grand staircase.

When I reached the second floor, it was really blinking in light green. I looked up and saw Alex and Diana’s surprised face.

“Shit Camz.”

I was about to spun on my heel but the girls are already here.

“What happened?” Norma asked.

“It’s blinking in light green,” Diana answered.


Angela nodded at Alex then moved to the door, placing her palm on the panel and the blinking stop making the door opened.

I rushed to Camila’s side and I saw her trembling, I know she’s worried.

“Hey, relax,” and I embraced her, “come on.”

We entered Steve’s room and we all stopped when we saw him sat up, his oxygen mask was already removed but the tubes are still connected on his arms. I felt Camila’s hand squeezed my hand and I squeezed back.

“What took you so long?”

We heard him talk.

Our expressions are priceless.

Steve’s POV

I heard her last night, my daughter Camila is here in my house, Lauren really found her, finally, I heard her talk, I want to opened my eyes and moved a little but I’m still weak, but I listened.

MAFIA'S LOVE (Camren Original)Where stories live. Discover now