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A/N: Extreme violence.

Camila’s POV

This is it. The time had finally come.

I pushed the wheelchair where my father sat, while his hand laying atop of my hand. Alex and Diana were in front leading us to the basement as what Angela answered and beside her is Norma. Lauren is beside me with her hand at my back.

We entered a room. I settled father at the centre while I stood beside him, Norma and Angela on each side.

I saw a wide glass in front showing us the inside of another room. I squinted my eyes because in the centre was a man dressed in black sleeveless shirt, blindfolded while his hands tied in chains above his head, I suddenly felt my heart beat rapidly because my gut screaming that the man is Shawn. They really managed to find him.

In my peripheral vision I saw Diana typing on a keyboard and the different angle of the outside appeared on a glass like a TV, a live stream then I saw Lauren in a different angle. I looked around the room, she’s not there anymore and I saw Norma approached me and put the white polo that Lauren wore earlier in my shoulder.

“She’s in rage right now, she can’t fathom to see you before the fight, she needed her focus.”

“F-Fight?” I asked looking at Norma.

Then I heard father casually said like it's pretty normal, “yes, a fight, so it will be fair, for you, your emotional state right now is destabilize and I know it mija,” and he looked at me, “you don’t have to hide it from me.”

And I looked down because Papi is right.

“This is a battle to death and you must looked at them, see how your girlfriend beat him,” Papi continued, “you should not show mercy when it comes to animal like him, he didn’t deserve any.”

That’s how Lauren good in fighting, even the chants from the securities is screaming Mika’s name, Lauren’s name inside the cartel.

I saw Lauren wore only in her sleeveless and her pants were changed into black sweatpants, barefoot. Her hands were tied in white bondage while her long raven haired was tied up in a tight ponytail. I saw her muscle peek out which restrained by the sleeveless shirt she wore, her biceps, her body looks amazing and I know for now it’s not necessary to feel it but an arousal towards my womanhood course throughout my body right now, feeling my pussy tingle.

Honestly I don’t know what I feel this exact moment, it mixes, I felt everything, fear, sympathy to a human being that is Shawn, no matter how much he destroyed my humanity he’s still a human being but Papi always reminded me that Shawn is not human anymore, he’s a psychopath and he’s kind of animal right now, because of what he did to me.

It was unacceptable to Papi’s side and I know to Lauren’s side too. He said that normal people are not like that and he’s right.

I closed my eyes remembering the days I felt helpless on that house, screaming, crying, begging him to stop but he didn’t listen, his hazel nut eyes is flooded with anger and hate, frustration that he throws always at me, blaming me for everything.

Some people will give him another chance, some people will surely want him dead as a price for hurting an innocent and fragile woman that is me, and people who worked in the cartel who valued family will kill him in an instant without mercy and since I’m the daughter of the leader of this feared cartel and my beloved girlfriend is the right hand of my father, they’re doing this for me, for me to be free from him.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes then I looked at to Lauren, her gaze is focus on Shawn, I felt her rage, her hate towards him, she’ll be the one who asked his debt to me.

“Do what you think is right,” I murmured.

I saw her closed her eyes took a deep breath and make a signal, twirling her finger in the air.

I saw Diana, fumbling on the keyboard and I saw from the angle of the camera, the chain untying Shawn’s wrist and he fell forward.

Once he was untied he quickly took off his blindfold adjusting his vision to his surroundings.

Then Lauren moved towards him and stopped few feet away from him and said, “you said we will better be prepare if you’re unchained and get free, now you’re free, do it, I will not stop you.”

Shawn’s metal cuffs were released from his wrist and massaged it, he looked around.

“It’s only fair,” Lauren said, “and don’t worry those men above us will not meddle in our fight, it’s only you and me, they just here to watch nothing else, anticipating who will win between us, who will live.”


My fingers starting to balled up to a fist, he can say it to me, but not to my woman!

Lauren nodded scratching her chin, “I expect you will say that, but don’t look too high you might fell down, face down on the ground and I assure you, you will not like it.”

I watched Shawn, it’s the same eyes that I always see every time he hurt me, Papi is right he’s not human anymore, he’s an animal, a savage animal, a complete psychopath.

“You’re too proud of yourself, I already expect it from you, now, show me that you can kill me, hurt me like you hurt my woman.”


My jaw tightened when I heard him saying that and I felt someone’s hand caressing my back and it was Angela.

I saw father’s right hand balled up into a fists, almost turned into white while his left clutching his wheel chair tight.

I saw Lauren shook her head and said, “I know you will not expect me to say this, but she’s here watching us right now, do you want to see my woman? I will show her to you,” and she motioned her finger.

No One’s POV

Shawn saw a large and wide TV screen lowering down and behind it is a small glass window, he saw her, he saw Karla and he looked up to the large screen, then the image of Karla appeared on the screen.

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