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Camila’s POV

Lauren kept her promise, she teaches me how to read and write, especially now. Though she’s busy because she took her work in the condo she still makes time with me and I like this kind of routine. And right now she’s staring at me with her emerald eyes shimmering.

“What?” I asked for the 5th time with a smile on my lips because she can’t seem to take her eyes off me like I’m the only one she can see or afraid that I’ll be gone in front of her.

“Nothing, I’m just wondering.”

I drop my pencil on the study table she bought for me then I rested my head on my palm, “what is it?” I asked never breaking my eye contact with her gorgeous emerald eyes.

“I’m just wondering if I’m already in heaven and you’re the angel assisting me.”

I pouted, crossing my arms, “don’t talk like that…”

Even though it's a joke, or something, I hate it when she talks like that, because I know how dangerous our environment are.

“Why? You look like an angel to me, a gorgeous angel, a goddess.”

In the end I smiled, when her smile widened, I leaned forward to capture her lips with mine and shared a passionate kiss with her, it became heated after a few seconds when we heard a beep, it’s her beeper, her 15mins is up. I smiled and I pulled out, no matter how much I love her to kiss me she still had work to do.

She groaned and reached her beeper, stopping it.

“Get back to work, Ms Jauregui.”

“You too, Mrs Jauregui.”

She said pointing to my unfinished writing.

She makes me write my full name which is Camila Karla Cabello, in a paper with blue and red lines repeatedly until I make it right, following Lauren’s writing on the top of this countless names I wrote since this morning after Angela and Alex left.

After this I will wrote again and this time the whole alphabet thing. We were in the living room sharing a space, for short we’re both working and I love this, working with Lauren, watching her work, her watching me with a smile on her lips. And her calling me Mrs Jauregui makes me giddy it fits to my name adding her surname.

I remember Lauren said that it’s not really her name or her surname, she didn’t know who her birth parents are and she doesn’t have any plans to search for them and she said that her only parent is Lily Jauregui or Granny as what Lauren called her, because when Granny adopted her she’s old but not old enough to take care of Lauren.

It was Granny who gave her a name, Lauren if it’s a girl and Lance if it was a boy, she even make fun of it with her Granny which makes the latter smile, that she’s both boy and a girl but Granny said that Lauren suits her better and Granny’s right, it suits Lauren. She said someday we will visit Granny’s grave which is in Spain and properly introduce me as her wife, that’s what she said.

The thought of Lauren being my wife makes my heart flutter, makes my body tremble in excitement, makes me giddy for the rest of my life, she’s my light, my flicker of hope is her. It was her that guides me out of that dark tunnel I’m taking since I was a kid and I’m embracing it now by being in Lauren’s side. Though we had the same past, I really don’t care because I accept her for whoever she was.

I’m happy with her.

Lauren’s POV

Camz and I are here once again in our shared bed, her in front of me leaning her body in my front, holding the story book entitled The Sleeping Beauty, it was her favourite story book, but this time it was her that is reading and I’m the one who is listening. She read slowly and that’s fine because it means that she’s progressing, I corrected her from time to time but so far she is really progressing.

And earlier before Angela and Alex left, Angela brought good news for me. She said that Camila is free from mifepristone, her body system is clean and I’m glad to hear it. She said too that it’s evident from her body, she’s gaining weight now and she’s not tired like before, like she can sleep all day because of tiredness. Alex even teased me about condoms, that I don’t have to worry if I wear it or not.

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