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Lauren’s POV

The 6 employees and also the member of the gang is now in prison and I leave that to Tristan, the other ten I fired them because of major offenses that the HR failed to inform me, plot twist, the reason why she didn’t inform me is that her husband is a member of the gang and I fired her too, so the 10 is complete. So, the 10 that was fired since we still need some information about Jack, that I will leave it to Alex. Those 10 were already fired so they had no more connection in JJToys, for now the company is safe.

Alex’s POV

What can I say about my sister, well she’s not really my sister but I treated her one like she treat me as his brother, her equal, that’s why I like her.

Lauren and I grew together since Steve, our cartel leader, adopted her, she’s good, amazing rather, or more than that, it’s hard to find a word that fits her especially now.

The 6 already put in prison, 10 of them are fired by her, we will not let them live so the 10 was killed in ‘accident’ after obtaining some information to them like I always do, so the JJToys now is safe.

Managing a big toy company and handling the cartel is hard and I salute Lauren for that. I respect her as she is to me too.

Sometimes, my wife Angela, a doctor here in Miami got jealous of us but I reminded my lovely wife that she’s the one I love and no one else.

I slumped down on the sofa when I got home to where I live with my wife and kids here in Miami, Angela already put our kids to sleep, now it’s me she’s been taking care of.

“You look tired.”

I sighed and extended my hand which my wife accepted and let herself crash to my body then I held her close, burying my face to her chest, “because so far what Mika and I do is wipe those bastards away, it’s our first time that someone had guts to infiltrate us, so it’s not me that is tired, Lauren too.”

“Let’s hope that she find Camila now.”

“I hope that too so someone could take care of her like you are to me,” and she kissed my forehead, “I love you.”

“I love you too and oh by the way, you know what earlier this day a news delivery man assisted a wounded woman, she was almost beat to death.”

I widened my eyes when I heard it from my wife, “What?! That’s horrible!”

“I know.”

“But how did that delivery man knows? Is he there when the beating happened? Did he saw it?”

“No honey, he said that he’s the one who always deliver to that mysterious house and every morning there’s no presence of the newspaper because it always been taken care of but not this morning, so he wondered and also the lights are on, the windows are open which is not usually happened after 8am which is really unusual for him.”

“I see, I get your point now, good thing his curiosity saves that woman’s life, how’s the woman?”

“She’s safe now, but still on under observation because we found several broken bones in her body.”

I shook my head, disappointed, pity towards the woman, “did you identify the woman?”

“The police are still investigating maybe tomorrow they will went to the house of that woman, the delivery man already give the address.”

“That’s good, that’s good,” and I sighed and caressed my wife’s hair, “you pitied her aren’t you?” and I saw her nod and kiss her cheek, “don’t worry she’s in the hospital now and I’m sure your co-workers will take care of the woman.”

“She’s pretty you know.”

And I raised my eyebrow, “let me guess if Camila didn’t happen you had a plan to set her up with Lauren, am I right?” and he saw her bit its kissable lips and nodded, a huge smile appear on her lips too, “I knew it, but honey, Camila happened and Lauren already committed to Camila.”

“I hope she will find Camila, I worry about Tito Steve too.”

“I know, I am too, Lauren too and the whole cartel.”

“I hope that is so soon.”

“Let’s hope for that.”


Lauren’s POV

Good thing the press has nothing much to say, just a few headlines and nothing more. But it’s not that I’m having problem with but Mendes’ absence, he’s been absent for 1 week now and the delivery department is okay now.

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