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Lucas had torn his home apart, flipping tables, punching the walls. The pain in his heart had become unbearable. It wasn't fair. He was alone now, laying on the glass scattered floor. Lucas' life has never been easy... No one had ever believed that he had a hard home life. To most people, he was just some spoiled rich kid, and he never showed them any different.

He remembers his childhood very well. His father, Nightry, was coldhearted and just wanted an heir, and that would be Lucas, until, one day, his sister came along. Luci. His father favoured the child much over Lucas. Lucas was a whiny and scared child, whilst Luci never cried even once. Lucas never saw much of his mother, she was often too weak to move or she was fighting with his father. Nightry did provide Lucas with two companions, to keep him from disrupting anyone else. Both were monsters, stripped from their families.

Sam was always there, since Lucas was born. Sam was almost treated like a guard dog for lucas. Sam was a kind monster, a centaur whose bottom half was very fluffy and more bear-like than a horse. He also had a short tail and animal-like ears. His eyes were as black coal, with white pupils. Lucas taught him to speak, and read, and eventually got him enrolled in school with him. Then there was Lance, a black and white monster with horns and a tail. A servant more than a friend. He did anything he was told to and acted without emotion, still, Lucas would bring him along everywhere and would have one sided conversations with him.

The day it all fell apart still haunts Lucas to this day. He was 17, a senior in high school, it was late at night and he was awoken to the sound of glass shattering. He made his way to his parents room, where he saw it. His mother and father were fighting as usual when his father hit his weak mother, who fell to the ground. Lucas didn't realise but Sam and Lance had followed behind him. He jumped in front of his mother. Him and his father began to yell at one another. His father called for Lance to grab Lucas. His father beat his mother to death, and Lucas was forced to watch. That day something inside of him changed. A month later he awoke and Sam and Lance were gone. He didn't live in that house much longer after.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" He said to himself quietly, tears streaming down his cheeks. He remained on the floor, hopeless, hurt, and angry. (449 words)

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