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This was it, the home stretch. They just had to make it through one more town, and they would be there. There was no doubt in Nat's mind that they would make it there before Lucas, but she did know their paths would cross, there was no avoiding it. She knows consequences would be large for Lucas, but she just hopes they won't kill him...there's good in everyone after all, Nat had witnessed it. Rhett was pretty far ahead of Nat, despite his tiny legs. Nat was getting old, she had to admit. He never thought she'd find himself here. She was like the hero to a story book, and Lucas, her very best friend, the villain. It almost didn't feel real. Wait. Where did Rhett go? Nat had lost sight of him. "Rhett?! You left me-!" She waited for a moment. Where had he gone? Nat walked a bit ahead when she spotted Rhett's bow off to the side of the trail they had been walking along. She noticed boot tracks in the distance and began to follow them into the forest, picking up the bow on the way. She noticed Rhett in the distance, on the ground, a person standing above him. "Rhett?!" Nat would yell as she ran up to them, before stopping in her tracks before them. She recognized the person. The brother of the Queen, without a doubt. Why was here? What was he doing to Rhett? "Leave him alone-!" Nat yelled, pitifully. The man cocked his head to the side, looking presumably at Nat, it was hard to tell. His name Was Jack Roman. He held a sword, the tip pointed to Rhett's neck, his eyes covered by a blindfold, streaks of red coming from underneath, presumably from his eyes. Jack lived on the other side of the country, so why was he here? The man adorned baggy black pants, a black and grey striped throw-over, and a hat. "I know you, Darrlings little gaurd dog. Scram, or I'll take you out on my sister's behalf. This is none of your business." Said Jack, who had a heavy accent. "This is my business actually, that's my friend you have right there, sir. Why don't you hand him over, and no one has to get hurt." Spoke Nat, trying to diffuse the situation. "Right, of course, why wouldn't 'the Monster King's' mutt, have something to do with this. Have you no shame, Mate? Betraying your race for these mistakes of nature? You're a human, not a-...a monster freak!" Said Jack, his voice shaking. Nat felt herself heat up at the words of the Prince. "First, I don't work for him anymore. Second, 'Monsters' are your people, you know? They are just as alive as you and I, and should be treated as such. I would be betraying my race if I didn't help him." Said Nat, resulting in a scoff from Jack. "My people? They are- aren't people, and most definitely aren't human. You're lucky I don't just- just kill you just for saying that!" Jack said, but the look on his face said something different, he looked just as scared as the young boy on the ground before him. Jack was only a teenager. "Is that what you really think, though? Do it, kill him, I won't stop you." Jack didn't move, and Rhett ran over to Nat. "I didn't think so. What are you doing, Jack? Threatening a kid not much younger than you? Is that really what you royals do for fun now-a-days?" Questioned Nat. "No-! I was just-! I was just...trying to steal his food- i wasn't actually trying to kill him! I never meant-..." Jack's voice trails off. "What? Why would you need his food?" "I-... I ran away. I would never really hurt someone i just- they never needed me- they didn't even notice i left- and i'm always stuck in her shadow! It wasn't fair-" Jack would quickly ramble out. "Whoa, whoa, slow down jack. Walk with us, I'll explain myself, and then you'll explain yourself. Deal?" Jack nodded. "What-!? He tried to rob me, Aaron!" Nat would roll her eyes. (700 words)

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