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Lucas had ordered for Nats room to be cleared out, but suddenly told all of his workers to leave before they had finished. He would sit down on Nats bed and take a small portrait off of the bedside table. It was him and Nat, together, happily smiling, arms over each other's shoulders. Why does it hurt so bad? Why does he care so much? After all they had been through together, how could she just leave him, like it was nothing? Lucas had never even gotten a chance to tell her...was he too harsh? Was it him who drove Nat away? Tears would spill from his eyes, dripping onto the picture.

He would stand up, throwing the picture to the ground, breaking the frame. He would order his workers to continue clearing the room out. No. It wasn't his fault, Nat chose her fate, now she would deal with the consequences. Lucas would make his way back to his own room, locking the door behind him. His room had become a scattered mess, shards of glass covering the floor below him, holes punched into the walls. Violence had always been Lucas' first instinct, like his father. He felt like it was the one thing he could control.

He would pull out a map of the castle from a drawer and take a seat at his desk. The map was covered with markings, made by him and Carter. His plan was to have him sneak him into the castle, where he would make his way into the queen's chambers, he would then murder her and take the throne. It wouldn't be as easy as that of course, being that the place is littered with guards. That's the thing, Carter could change that as the Captain of the guard. Still, there was only so much he could do, and he honestly didn't trust him all that much. Why was he helping him? What could he possibly gain from this? Something about the whole thing felt off.

Lucas had people on his side of course, they called themselves 'The Loyals', most of them were well off humans who benefited from Lucas' unfair rule. For a long time Lucas had been quite ashamed of his horns and tail, but he came to realise that they intimidated humans, so he used that as an advantage. The more human you were, the easier life was, but those who wore more monster than human had it extremely rough. Lucas knew this, but he never wanted to try to change it. You could change laws, but not people's hearts. That's how it was.

Nikki had tried to, which is only helping Lucas in the end. For that, he's grateful. Lucas' plan would take place in two days' time, until then, all he could do was prepare. That was the worst part of it all, waiting. He was so ready to have his power once more, he was so ready to have his revenge. In the meantime, he was going to make a plan for what he would do with Nat when he found her...if he found her. (523 words)

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