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They continued walking 2 more hours before stopping at a town for a break. The town was primarily human, so Rett put his hood back on. They would head to a little dine-in and take seats at a table. They both ordered drinks. "So, how did you even find out about King Darrling's plans?" Asked Rhett. Nat wasn't too sure if she should be honest with Rhett, if she could trust him. "Uh...I overheard some of his goons talking about it." Rhett looked suspicious for a moment but quickly moved on. "Always hated that guy...wouldn't even stand up for his own people, can you believe that? He's a coward, and a disgrace to monster kind." Nat didn't respond, just nodding. It felt wrong to talk bad about Lucas...even if what was being said was true. Nat had always had very complicated feelings for Lucas, some that she couldn't even really understand, and this situation made them all the more confusing. She still was loyal to Lucas, but not who Lucas had become. "You alright, Aaron?" Nat looked at Rhett, surprised, she had lost himself in thought. "Yeah, I'm fine...just,, thinking." Rhett accepted the answer and shrugged. "At least you don't have to do this by yourself now...not that i'm your friend now or anything-." Nat gave a weak smile when a lady walked up to the two. "I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you to remove your hood please." Rhett's breathing hitched. "No- I-I can't-..." The lady rolled her eyes and pulled the hood off and stepped back. Rhett's hands went to cover his ears and put his head down. Gasp echoed throughout the dine-in, whispers filling the air. "I'm gonna h-have to ask you both to leave, please." Rhett stood up and ran out of the building. Nat would also stand up, but she didn't follow. "You should all be ashamed of yourselves, he's just a kid! He didn't mean any harm to you and you know it." "I-its just the rules ma'am,," "To heck with your rules!" Nat would storm out and go to a crying Rhett, who now had his hood back on. "Hey, you alright, kid? Don't let them get to you, they're stuck up their own-" Nat was cut off but Rhett. "I'm fine! Let's just keep going...idiot human." Rhett would begin walking. "Rhett-..." Nat would follow, not pushing it. She felt bad for the poor kid, but there really wasn't much she could do. (424 words)

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