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Nat began to walk off before an idea had popped into her head. She would turn to Rhett. "Come with me, please." "What?! No way you creep! I barely even know you!" Nat was not shocked at his decline, but she persisted. "If they see a human and a monster working together as a united front, they might be more inclined to listen...and not only that, things might get better for both of our races. I know we're strangers, but we don't have to stay that way...I'm Nat Arron." She would hold her hand for Rhett to shake. It was silent for a moment, Rhett seemingly thinking. He would shake Nat's hand. "Im Rhett Goldheart." Nat would smile and continue walking, the young boy following. "So, Aaron, where too?" "The castle, like I said. Anyways, how old are you, kid?" "I'm 14. How about you, grams? What are ya', 40?" Nat was slightly offended, there was no way she looked that old. "I'm was that about your family,,? if you don't mind." Rhett suddenly stiffened, looking off to the side. "It's none of your business, human. The only reason I'm doing this is because I want it to be better for my people, not because I wanna get along with the likes of you." Wow, this kid was annoying. "You don't even know my story kid, who are you to judge me on my species." "Fine then. Tell me your long boring story." "I will then. My parents were very anti-monster, and one day, when I was around 4, they had gotten into an argument with a few thing led to another, and I was alone. A kid on the street. I didn't know what to do, I just wanted my parents, then a tall monster came up to me, and picked me up. I was terrified, crying and kicking at the woman. A little Half breed monster appeared from behind her leg and took his sweater off, and they wrapped it around me. The woman whispered into my ear that it would be alright, that I was safe now, that they would be my new mom and dad and would love me forever. I immediately calmed down, and they've been my family since. They don't care that I'm human, and I don't care that they're monsters. We love each other." Rhett looked at Nat, sceptical. "Well, if that's true, then I guess you aren't that bad..." Nat smiled. "That's why 'long and boring stories' are important. Someone's past can really change things. The age old saying, "don't judge a book by its cover." Rhett gave a soft smile. (448 words)

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